Piotr T. Różański
Piotr T. Różański
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Multivariate matching pursuit in optimal Gabor dictionaries: theory and software with interface for EEG/MEG via Svarog
R Kuś, PT Różański, PJ Durka
Biomedical engineering online 12, 1-28, 2013
Spindles in Svarog: framework and software for parametrization of EEG transients
PJ Durka, U Malinowska, M Zieleniewska, C O'Reilly, PT Różański, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 258, 2015
Parametric description of EEG profiles for assessment of sleep architecture in disorders of consciousness
M Zieleniewska, A Duszyk, P Różański, M Pietrzak, M Bogotko, P Durka
International Journal of Neural Systems 29 (03), 1850049, 2019
Linear scaling approach for atomistic calculation of excitonic properties of 10-million-atom nanostructures
PT Różański, M Zieliński
Physical Review B 94 (4), 045440, 2016
The residual gravity acceleration effect in the Poincaré dodecahedral space
BF Roukema, PT Różański
Astronomy & Astrophysics 502 (1), 27-35, 2009
Assessment of statistically significant command-following in pediatric patients with disorders of consciousness, based on visual, auditory and tactile event-related potentials
M Dovgialo, A Chabuda, A Duszyk, M Zieleniewska, M Pietrzak, ...
International journal of neural systems 29 (03), 1850048, 2019
International observational campaigns of the last two eclipses in EE Cephei: 2003 and 2008/9
C Gałan, M Mikołajewski, T Tomov, D Graczyk, G Apostolovska, I Barzova, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 544, A53, 2012
Efficient computation of coulomb and exchange integrals for multi-million atom nanostructures
PT Różański, M Zieliński
Computer Physics Communications 238, 254-261, 2019
Exploiting underlying crystal lattice for efficient computation of Coulomb matrix elements in multi-million atoms nanostructures
PT Różański, M Zieliński
Computer Physics Communications 287, 108693, 2023
Effects of envelope and dictionary structure on the performance of matching pursuit
PT Różański
IET Signal Processing, 2019
Normalization effects in matching pursuit algorithm with gabor dictionaries
PT Różański
Journal of Applied Computer Science 26 (2), 187-200, 2018
Four unusual novae observed in Torun: V2362 Cyg, V2467 Cyg, V458 Vul, V2491 Cyg
E Ragan, M Mikolajewski, T Tomov, W Dimitrow, M Fagas, T Kwiatkowski, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.0420, 2010
Scanning tunneling microscopy of buried dopants in silicon: images and their uncertainties
PT Różański, GW Bryant, M Zieliński
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 182, 2022
Atomistic calculation of coulomb interactions in semiconductor nanocrystals: role of surface passivation and composition details
M Chwastyk, P Różanski, M Zieliński
Acta Physica Polonica A 122 (2), 324-328, 2012
Multi-ring structure of the eclipsing disk in EE Cep-possible planets?
C Galan, M Mikolajewski, T Tomov, E Swierczynski, M Wiecek, T Brozek, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0910.0432, 2009
Astrometryczny model układu planetarnego z dokładnością mikrosekundową
P Różański
Praca licencjacka, 2009
empi: GPU-accelerated matching pursuit with continuous dictionaries
PT Różański
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 50 (3), 1-17, 2024
Challenges to extracting spatial information about double P dopants in Si from STM images
PT Różański, GW Bryant, M Zieliński
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 18062, 2024
Quasi-linear scaling computational methods for a wide range of semiconductor nanostructures
PT Różański
P02-S Automatic analysis of sleep architecture and circadian rhythms for assessment of disorders of consciousness
A Stróż, M Zieleniewska, A Duszyk, M Bogotko, P Różański, P Durka
Clinical Neurophysiology 130 (7), e94, 2019
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Articles 1–20