Yuri Ostrovsky
Yuri Ostrovsky
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Cited by
{Face recognition by humans: 20 results all computer vision researchers should know about}
P Sinha, B Balas, Y Ostrovsky, R Russell
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Massachusetts Institute of …, 2005
Face recognition by humans: Nineteen results all computer vision researchers should know about
P Sinha, B Balas, Y Ostrovsky, R Russell
Proceedings of the IEEE 94 (11), 1948-1962, 2006
SPECIAL ISSUE-BIOMETRICS: ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS-Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer vision Researchers Should Know About-INVITED PAPER-Increased …
P Sinha, B Balas, Y Ostrovsky, R Russell
Proceedings of the IEEE 94 (11), 1948-1962, 2006
Face recognition by humans
P Sinha, BJ Balas, Y Ostrovsky, R Russell
Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods. Academic Press, San Diego, 2006
The newly sighted fail to match seen with felt
R Held, Y Ostrovsky, B de Gelder, T Gandhi, S Ganesh, U Mathur, P Sinha
Nature neuroscience 14 (5), 551-553, 2011
The newly sighted fail to match seen with felt
R Held, Y Ostrovsky, B de Gelder, T Gandhi, S Ganesh, U Mathur, P Sinha
Nature Neuroscience 14 (5), 551-553, 2011
Perceiving illumination inconsistencies in scenes
Y Ostrovsky, P Cavanagh, P Sinha
Vision following extended congenital blindness
Y Ostrovsky, A Andalman, P Sinha
Psychological Science 17 (12), 1009, 2006
Visual parsing after recovery from blindness
Y Ostrovsky, E Meyers, S Ganesh, U Mathur, P Sinha
Psychological Science 20 (12), 1484, 2009
Rapid integration of tactile and visual information by a newly sighted child
J Chen, ED Wu, X Chen, LH Zhu, X Li, F Thorn, Y Ostrovsky, J Qu
Current Biology 26 (8), 1069-1074, 2016
Device for automating billing reimbursement
MD Barhnart, SS Hau, Y Ostrovsky, MP Chien
US Patent 7,110,955, 2006
Vision after 53 years of blindness
R Sikl, M Simecek, M Porubanova-Norquist, O Bezdicek, J Kremlacek, ...
I-PERCEPTION 4 (8), 498-507, 2013
Vision after 53 years of blindness
R Šikl, M Šimeček, M Porubanová-Norquist, O Bezdíček, J Kremláček, ...
i-Perception 4 (8), 498-507, 2013
Revisiting the molyneux question
R Held, Y Ostrovsky, P Sinha
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 523-523, 2008
Discovering faces in infancy
P Sinha, B Balas, Y Ostrovsky
Journal of Vision 7 (9), 569-569, 2007
Advances in computational psychometrics
P Cipresso, A Matic, D Giakoumis, Y Ostrovsky
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015, 2015
Parsing visual scenes via dynamic cues
P Sinha, Y Ostrovsky, E Meyers
Journal of Vision 6 (6), 95-95, 2006
Device for automating billing reimbursement
MD Barnhart, SS Hau, Y Ostrovsky, MP Chien
US Patent App. 11/493,296, 2006
Device for automating billing reimbursement
MD Barnhart, SS Hau, Y Ostrovsky, M Chien
US Patent App. 20,060/265,248, 2006
Visual object discovery
P Sinha, B Balas, Y Ostrovsky, J Wulff
Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives, 301, 2009
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Articles 1–20