Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan
Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan
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Comprehensive econometric microsimulator for daily activity-travel patterns
CR Bhat, JY Guo, S Srinivasan, A Sivakumar
Transportation Research Record 1894 (1), 57-66, 2004
A comprehensive analysis of factors influencing the injury severity of large-truck crashes
X Zhu, S Srinivasan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 49-57, 2011
Modeling children’s school travel mode and parental escort decisions
AK Yarlagadda, S Srinivasan
Transportation 35, 201-218, 2008
Modeling household interactions in daily in-home and out-of-home maintenance activity participation
S Srinivasan, CR Bhat
Transportation 32, 523-544, 2005
A multidimensional mixed ordered-response model for analyzing weekend activity participation
CR Bhat, S Srinivasan
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 39 (3), 255-278, 2005
Risk perception and evacuation decisions of Florida tourists under hurricane threats: A stated preference analysis
C Matyas, S Srinivasan, I Cahyanto, B Thapa, L Pennington-Gray, ...
Natural hazards 59, 871-890, 2011
An analysis of multiple interepisode durations using a unifying multivariate hazard model
CR Bhat, S Srinivasan, KW Axhausen
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 39 (9), 797-823, 2005
Modeling occupant-level injury severity: An application to large-truck crashes
X Zhu, S Srinivasan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1427-1437, 2011
In defence of the ‘low-mileage bias’
J Langford, S Koppel, D McCarthy, S Srinivasan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (6), 1996-1999, 2008
An exploratory analysis of joint-activity participation characteristics using the American time use survey
S Srinivasan, CR Bhat
Transportation 35, 301-327, 2008
Predicting information seeking regarding hurricane evacuation in the destination
I Cahyanto, L Pennington-Gray, B Thapa, S Srinivasan, J Villegas, ...
Tourism Management 52, 264-275, 2016
A multiple discrete-continuous model for independent-and joint-discretionary-activity participation decisions
S Srinivasan, CR Bhat
Transportation 33, 497-515, 2006
Analyzing how travelers choose scenic routes using route choice models
M Alivand, H Hochmair, S Srinivasan
Computers, environment and urban systems 50, 41-52, 2015
An empirical evaluation of the determinants of tourist's hurricane evacuation decision making
I Cahyanto, L Pennington-Gray, B Thapa, S Srinivasan, J Villegas, ...
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2 (4), 253-265, 2014
Cognitive and affective responses of Florida tourists after exposure to hurricane warning messages
J Villegas, C Matyas, S Srinivasan, I Cahyanto, B Thapa, ...
Natural hazards 66, 97-116, 2013
Empirical analysis of the impact of security perception on intercity mode choice: A panel rank-ordered mixed logit model
S Srinivasan, CR Bhat, J Holguin-Veras
Transportation Research Record 1942 (1), 9-15, 2006
A joint model for the perfect and imperfect substitute goods case: application to activity time-use decisions
CR Bhat, S Srinivasan, S Sen
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40 (10), 827-850, 2006
Exploratory analysis of weekend activity patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
AM Lockwood, S Srinivasan, CR Bhat
Transportation Research Record 1926 (1), 70-78, 2005
Population updating system structures and models embedded in the comprehensive econometric microsimulator for urban systems
N Eluru, AR Pinjari, JY Guo, IN Sener, S Srinivasan, RB Copperman, ...
Transportation Research Record 2076 (1), 171-182, 2008
Spatial transferability of travel forecasting models: a review and synthesis
S Sikder, AR Pinjari, S Srinivasan, R Nowrouzian
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied …, 2013
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Articles 1–20