Ma. Christine Agena Gendrano
Ma. Christine Agena Gendrano
Asst. Professor
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Cited by
Solving symmetric and asymmetric TSPs by artificial chemistry
JP Pabico, MJM Mendoza, MCA Gendrano
Identity concealment when uploading pictures of patients in a tele-medicine system
JJ Azcarraga, JZ Raduban, MC Gendrano, AP Azcarraga
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 10 (2 …, 2019
A molecular dynamics heuristic for solving the traveling salesperson problem
JP Pabico, JRL Micor, MCA Gendrano
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences 1 (1), 38-46, 2014
Extracting Medication Information from Typewritten Philippine Medical Prescriptions Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Named Entity Recognition (NER)
GD Ang, DGCS Chong, JKS Lin, MC Gendrano
Design of a Case Management System for School Counselors
BS Cuasi, SE Salamante, VAN Tulabot, IN Villanueva, JAK Pantaleon, ...
Finding Solutions to Different Problems Simultaneously in a Multi-molecule Simulated Reactor
JP Pabico, MCA Gendrano, JRL Micor
intelligence 11, 13, 0
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