Umit Baris Kutman
Umit Baris Kutman
Asst. Professor, Plant Science, Institute of Biotechnology, Gebze Technical University, Turkey
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Agronomic biofortification of cereals with zinc: a review
I Cakmak, UB Kutman
European Journal of Soil Science, 2017
Biofortification of durum wheat with zinc through soil and foliar applications of nitrogen
UB Kutman, B Yildiz, L Ozturk, I Cakmak
Cereal Chemistry 87 (1), 1-9, 2010
Improved nitrogen nutrition enhances root uptake, root‐to‐shoot translocation and remobilization of zinc (65Zn) in wheat
EB Erenoglu, UB Kutman, Y Ceylan, B Yildiz, I Cakmak
New Phytologist 189 (2), 438-448, 2011
Effect of nitrogen on uptake, remobilization and partitioning of zinc and iron throughout the development of durum wheat
UB Kutman, B Yildiz, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 342, 149-164, 2011
Improved nitrogen status enhances zinc and iron concentrations both in the whole grain and the endosperm fraction of wheat
UB Kutman, B Yildiz, I Cakmak
Journal of Cereal Science 53 (1), 118-125, 2011
High phosphorus supply reduced zinc concentration of wheat in native soil but not in autoclaved soil or nutrient solution
EA Ova, UB Kutman, L Ozturk, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 393, 147-162, 2015
Adequate magnesium nutrition mitigates adverse effects of heat stress on maize and wheat
M Mengutay, Y Ceylan, UB Kutman, I Cakmak
Plant and soil 368, 57-72, 2013
Magnesium applications to growth medium and foliage affect the starch distribution, increase the grain size and improve the seed germination in wheat
Y Ceylan, UB Kutman, M Mengutay, I Cakmak
Plant and soil 406, 145-156, 2016
Contributions of root uptake and remobilization to grain zinc accumulation in wheat depending on post-anthesis zinc availability and nitrogen nutrition
UB Kutman, BY Kutman, Y Ceylan, EA Ova, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 361, 177-187, 2012
Molecular speciation and tissue compartmentation of zinc in durum wheat grains with contrasting nutritional status
DP Persson, TC De Bang, PR Pedas, UB Kutman, I Cakmak, B Andersen, ...
New Phytologist 211 (4), 1255-1265, 2016
Nickel-enriched seed and externally supplied nickel improve growth and alleviate foliar urea damage in soybean
BY Kutman, UB Kutman, I Cakmak
Plant and Soil 363, 61-75, 2013
Effects of seed nickel reserves or externally supplied nickel on the growth, nitrogen metabolites and nitrogen use efficiency of urea-or nitrate-fed soybean
BY Kutman, UB Kutman, I Cakmak
Plant and soil 376, 261-276, 2014
Foliar nickel application alleviates detrimental effects of glyphosate drift on yield and seed quality of wheat
BY Kutman, UB Kutman, I Cakmak
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 61 (35), 8364-8372, 2013
Changes in the chemical composition of six lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L.) in response to biofortification with iodine and selenium combined with salicylic acid application
S Smoleń, I Kowalska, P Kováčik, W Sady, M Grzanka, UB Kutman
Agronomy 9 (10), 660, 2019
Genetic analysis of the effect of zinc deficiency on Arabidopsis growth and mineral concentrations
A Ghandilyan, UB Kutman, BY Kutman, I Cakmak, MGM Aarts
Plant and Soil 361, 227-239, 2012
Mineral nutrition and crop quality
UB Kutman
Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Plants, 419-444, 2023
Reviewed more than 6 manuscripts2
M Barret, G Brader, FA Dijkstra, M Göttfert, M Nikolic, C Poschenrieder, ...
Plant Soil 412, 481-490, 2017
Better Nitrogen Nutrition Results in Enhanced Uptake, Transport and Grain Deposition of Zinc in Wheat
UB Kutman, B Yildiz, EB Erenoglu, Y Ceylan, I Cakmak
Zinc Crops, 2011
Changes in the Chemical Composition of Six Lettuce Cultivars (Lactuca sativa L.) in Response to Biofortification with Iodine and Selenium Combined with Salicylic Acid Application
UB Kutman
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Articles 1–19