Simulated annealing: theory and applications PJM Laarhoven, EHL Aarts Reidel Publishing Company, 1987 | 7865* | 1987 |
Simulated annealing and Boltzmann machines E Aarts, J Korst New York, NY; John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1988 | 6070* | 1988 |
Job shop scheduling by simulated annealing PJM Van Laarhoven, EHL Aarts, JK Lenstra Operations research 40 (1), 113-125, 1992 | 1758 | 1992 |
Simulated annealing E Aarts, J Korst, W Michiels Search methodologies, 187-210, 2005 | 894 | 2005 |
Ambient intelligence E Aarts, R Wichert Technology guide, 244-249, 2009 | 746 | 2009 |
Statistical cooling: A general approach to combinatorial optimization problems EHL Aarts, PJM Van Laarhoven Philips Journal of research 40 (4), 193-226, 1985 | 685 | 1985 |
The New Everyday: Visions on Ambient Intelligence E Aarts, S Marzano Rotterdam, The Netherlands 116, 2003 | 644* | 2003 |
Global optimization and simulated annealing A Dekkers, E Aarts Mathematical programming 50, 367-393, 1991 | 594 | 1991 |
Global convergence of genetic algorithms: A Markov chain analysis AE Eiben, EHL Aarts, KM Van Hee Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: 1st Workshop, PPSN I Dortmund, FRG …, 1991 | 504 | 1991 |
Job shop scheduling by local search RJM Vaessens, EHL Aarts, JK Lenstra Informs Journal on computing 8 (3), 302-317, 1996 | 497 | 1996 |
Personalizing persuasive technologies: Explicit and implicit personalization using persuasion profiles M Kaptein, P Markopoulos, B De Ruyter, E Aarts International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 77, 38-51, 2015 | 399 | 2015 |
Ambient intelligence W Weber, J Rabaey, EHL Aarts Springer, 2005 | 382 | 2005 |
Adaptive persuasive systems: a study of tailored persuasive text messages to reduce snacking M Kaptein, B De Ruyter, P Markopoulos, E Aarts ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 2 (2), 1-25, 2012 | 369 | 2012 |
Genetic local search algorithms for the traveling salesman problem NLJ Ulder, EHL Aarts, HJ Bandelt, PJM Van Laarhoven, E Pesch Parallel Problem Solving from Nature: 1st Workshop, PPSN I Dortmund, FRG …, 1991 | 365 | 1991 |
Ambient intelligence: a multimedia perspective E Aarts IEEE multimedia 11 (1), 12-19, 2004 | 340 | 2004 |
A computational study of local search algorithms for job shop scheduling EHL Aarts, PJM van Laarhoven, JK Lenstra, NLJ Ulder ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (2), 118-125, 1994 | 340 | 1994 |
New research perspectives on ambient intelligence E Aarts, B De Ruyter Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 1 (1), 5-14, 2009 | 309 | 2009 |
Theoretical aspects of local search W Michiels, E Aarts, J Korst Springer, 2007 | 293 | 2007 |
True Visions: The Emergence of Ambient Intelligence EHL Aarts, JL Encarnacao Springer, 2006 | 276 | 2006 |
Parallel local search MGA Verhoeven, EHL Aarts Journal of heuristics 1, 43-65, 1995 | 206 | 1995 |