Angela M. White
Angela M. White
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station
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Cited by
A quantitative assessment of the efficacy of an environmental enrichment programme for giant pandas
RR Swaisgood, AM White, X Zhou, H Zhang, G Zhang, R Wei, VJ Hare, ...
Animal Behaviour 61 (2), 447-457, 2001
Reproductive cycle length and pregnancy in the southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) as determined by fecal pregnane analysis and …
ML Patton, RR Swaisgood, NM Czekala, AM White, GA Fetter, ...
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 1999
Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat
MP North, JT Kane, VR Kane, GP Asner, W Berigan, DJ Churchill, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 166-178, 2017
Solving the productivity and impact puzzle: Do men outperform women, or are metrics biased?
EZ Cameron, AM White, ME Gray
BioScience 66 (3), 245-252, 2016
Chemical communication in giant pandas
RR Swaisgood, DG Lindburg, AM White, Z Hemin, Z Xiaoping
Giant pandas: biology and conservation 106, 2004
A captive population in crisis: testing hypotheses for reproductive failure in captive-born southern white rhinoceros females
RR Swaisgood, DM Dickman, AM White
Biological Conservation 129 (4), 468-476, 2006
The highs and lows of chemical communication in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): effect of scent deposition height on signal discrimination
AM White, RR Swaisgood, H Zhang
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51, 519-529, 2002
Avian community responses to post‐fire forest structure: implications for fire management in mixed conifer forests
AM White, PN Manley, GL Tarbill, TW Richardson, RE Russell, HD Safford, ...
Animal Conservation 19 (3), 256-264, 2016
Chemical communication in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): the role of age in the signaller and assessor
AM White, RR Swaisgood, H Zhang
Journal of Zoology 259 (2), 171-178, 2003
Investigating the effects of forest structure on the small mammal community in frequent-fire coniferous forests using capture-recapture models for stratified populations
R Sollmann, AM White, B Gardner, PN Manley
Mammalian Biology 80, 247-254, 2015
Conservation of avian diversity in the Sierra Nevada: moving beyond a single-species management focus
AM White, EF Zipkin, PN Manley, MD Schlesinger
PloS one 8 (5), e63088, 2013
Is publication rate an equal opportunity metric?
EZ Cameron, ME Gray, AM White
Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (1), 7-8, 2013
Ranging patterns in white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum simum: implications for mating strategies
AM White, RR Swaisgood, N Czekala
Animal Behaviour 74 (2), 349-356, 2007
Evaluating potential trade‐offs among fuel treatment strategies in mixed‐conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada
JT Stevens, BM Collins, JW Long, MP North, SJ Prichard, LW Tarnay, ...
Ecosphere 7 (9), e01445, 2016
Drill, baby, drill: The influence of woodpeckers on post‐fire vertebrate communities through cavity excavation
GL Tarbill, PN Manley, AM White
Journal of Zoology 296 (2), 95-103, 2015
A method for encouraging maternal care in the giant panda
GQ Zhang, RR Swaisgood, RP Wei, HM Zhang, HY Han, DS Li, LF Wu, ...
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 2000
Communal nesting is unrelated to burrow availability in the common warthog
AM White, EZ Cameron
Animal Behaviour 77 (1), 87-94, 2009
Patterns of woodboring beetle activity following fires and bark beetle outbreaks in montane forests of California, USA
C Ray, DR Cluck, RL Wilkerson, RB Siegel, AM White, GL Tarbill, ...
Fire Ecology 15, 1-20, 2019
Understanding ecological contexts for active reforestation following wildfires
AM White, JW Long
New Forests 50, 41-56, 2019
Aggression control in a bachelor herd of fringe‐eared oryx (Oryx gazella callotis), with melengestrol acetate: Behavioral and endocrine observations
ML Patton, AM White, RR Swaisgood, RL Sproul, GA Fetter, J Kennedy, ...
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 2001
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Articles 1–20