stefano cerbelli
stefano cerbelli
Dept. Of Chemical Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
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Fractional diffusion equation and relaxation in complex viscoelastic materials
M Giona, S Cerbelli, HE Roman
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 191 (1-4), 449-453, 1992
Self-similar spatiotemporal structure of intermaterial boundaries in chaotic flows
MM Alvarez, FJ Muzzio, S Cerbelli, A Adrover, M Giona
Physical review letters 81 (16), 3395, 1998
Acid reducing leaching of cathodic powder from spent lithium ion batteries: Glucose oxidative pathways and particle area evolution
F Pagnanelli, E Moscardini, G Granata, S Cerbelli, L Agosta, ...
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20 (5), 3201-3207, 2014
The intermaterial area density generated by time-and spatially periodic 2D chaotic flows
FJ Muzzio, MM Alvarez, S Cerbelli, M Giona, A Adrover
Chemical Engineering Science 55 (8), 1497-1508, 2000
The geometry of mixing in time-periodic chaotic flows. I. Asymptotic directionality in physically realizable flows and global invariant properties
M Giona, A Adrover, FJ Muzzio, S Cerbelli, MM Alvarez
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 132 (3), 298-324, 1999
ADE approach to predicting dispersion of heavy particles in wall-bounded turbulence
S Cerbelli, A Giusti, A Soldati
International journal of multiphase flow 27 (11), 1861-1879, 2001
Universality and imaginary potentials in advection–diffusion equations in closed flows
M Giona, S Cerbelli, V Vitacolonna
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 513, 221-237, 2004
Eigenvalue–eigenfunction analysis of infinitely fast reactions and micromixing regimes in regular and chaotic bounded flows
S Cerbelli, V Vitacolonna, A Adrover, M Giona
Chemical engineering science 59 (11), 2125-2144, 2004
A spectral approach to reaction/diffusion kinetics in chaotic flows
A Adrover, S Cerbelli, M Giona
Computers & Chemical Engineering 26 (1), 125-139, 2002
Spectral Properties and Transport Mechanisms of Partially Chaotic Bounded Flows<? format?> in the Presence of Diffusion
M Giona, A Adrover, S Cerbelli, V Vitacolonna
Physical review letters 92 (11), 114101, 2004
An equilibrium theory for catalytic steam reforming in membrane reactors
MA Murmura, S Cerbelli, MC Annesini
Chemical Engineering Science 160, 291-303, 2017
Transport-reaction-permeation regimes in catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen production. The steam reforming of methane as a case study
MA Murmura, S Cerbelli, MC Annesini
Chemical Engineering Science 162, 88-103, 2017
Quantifying dispersion of finite-sized particles in deterministic lateral displacement microflow separators through Brenner’s macrotransport paradigm
S Cerbelli, M Giona, F Garofalo
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 15, 431-449, 2013
Convection-dominated dispersion regime in wide-bore chromatography: A transport-based approach to assess the occurrence of slip flows in microchannels
A Adrover, S Cerbelli, F Garofalo, M Giona
Analytical chemistry 81 (19), 8009-8014, 2009
Geometry of reaction interfaces in chaotic flows
M Giona, S Cerbelli, A Adrover
Physical review letters 88 (2), 024501, 2001
Analytic expression for the short-time rate of growth of the intermaterial contact perimeter in two-dimensional chaotic flows and Hamiltonian systems
A Adrover, M Giona, FJ Muzzio, S Cerbelli, MM Alvarez
Physical Review E 58 (1), 447, 1998
Laminar dispersion at high Péclet numbers in finite-length channels: Effects of the near-wall velocity profile and connection with the generalized Leveque problem
M Giona, A Adrover, S Cerbelli, F Garofalo
Physics of Fluids 21 (12), 2009
Spectral characterization of static mixers. The S‐shaped micromixer as a case study
F Garofalo, A Adrover, S Cerbelli, M Giona
AIChE journal 56 (2), 318-335, 2010
Laminar dispersion at low and high Peclet numbers in finite-length patterned microtubes
A Adrover, S Cerbelli
Physics of Fluids 29 (6), 2017
Enhanced diffusion regimes in bounded chaotic flows
S Cerbelli, A Adrover, M Giona
Physics Letters A 312 (5-6), 355-362, 2003
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Articles 1–20