Determining data information literacy needs: A study of students and research faculty J Carlson, M Fosmire, CC Miller, MS Nelson portal: Libraries and the Academy 11 (2), 629-657, 2011 | 509 | 2011 |
Assessing information literacy skills demonstrated in an engineering design task REH Wertz, Ş Purzer, MJ Fosmire, ME Cardella Journal of Engineering Education 102 (4), 577-602, 2013 | 81 | 2013 |
Riding the active learning wave: Using problem-based learning as a catalyst for creating faculty-librarian partnerships M Fosmire, A Macklin | 73 | 2002 |
Integrating information into the engineering design process M Fosmire, D Radcliffe Purdue University Press, 2013 | 47 | 2013 |
Free scholarly electronic journals: How good are they M Fosmire, S Yu Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 27, 2000 | 46 | 2000 |
Information literacy and engineering design: Developing an integrated conceptual model M Fosmire IFLA journal 38 (1), 47-52, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Comparing the information needs and experiences of undergraduate students and practicing engineers M Phillips, M Fosmire, L Turner, K Petersheim, J Lu The Journal of Academic Librarianship 45 (1), 39-49, 2019 | 33 | 2019 |
A blueprint for progress: Collaborating with faculty to integrate information literacy into the curriculum at Purdue University AS Macklin, M Fosmire Libraries Within Their Institutions, 43-56, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Work in progress: Critical thinking and information literacy: Assessing student performance REH Wertz, M Fosmire, S Purzer, AI Saragih, AS Van Epps, MRS Nelson, ... 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 23.1377. 1-23.1377. 9, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Free scholarly electronic journals: what access do college and university libraries provide? M Fosmire, E Young College & research libraries 61 (6), 500-508, 2000 | 27 | 2000 |
Lifelong learning and information literacy skills and the first year engineering undergraduate: Report of a self-assessment M Ross, M Fosmire, REH Wertz, M Cardella, S Purzer | 22 | 2011 |
Information portals: A new tool for teaching information literacy skills D Kolah, M Fosmire Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Neutron and x-ray scattering off atomic clusters M Fosmire, A Bulgac Physical Review B 52 (24), 17509, 1995 | 21 | 1995 |
Undergraduates' news consumption and perceptions of fake news in science W Zakharov, H Li, M Fosmire portal: Libraries and the Academy 19 (4), 653-665, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Developing library GIS services for humanities and social science: An action research approach N Kong, M Fosmire, BD Branch College & Research Libraries 78 (4), 413, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Do students gather information to inform design decisions? Assessment with an authentic design task in first-year engineering REH Wertz, M Ross, M Fosmire, M Cardella, S Purzer | 17 | 2011 |
Calibrated Peer Review: a new tool for integrating information literacy skills in writing-intensive large classroom settings M Fosmire portal: Libraries and the Academy 10 (2), 147-163, 2010 | 17 | 2010 |
Testing the effectiveness of interactive multimedia for library-user education K Markey, A Armstrong, S De Groote, M Fosmire, L Fuderer, K Garrett, ... portal: Libraries and the Academy 5 (4), 527-544, 2005 | 17 | 2005 |
Standards are everywhere: A freely available introductory online educational program on standardization for product development M Phillips, M Fosmire, PB McPherson Standards Engineering, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
An assessment architecture for competency-based learning: Version 1.0 JJ Evans, E Garcia, M Smith, A Van Epps, M Fosmire, S Matei 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-7, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |