André V. G. Cavalieri
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Cited by
Wavepackets in the velocity field of turbulent jets
AVG Cavalieri, D Rodríguez, P Jordan, T Colonius, Y Gervais
Journal of fluid mechanics 730, 559-592, 2013
Importance of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer state in subsonic turbulent jets
GA Brès, P Jordan, V Jaunet, M Le Rallic, AVG Cavalieri, A Towne, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851, 83-124, 2018
Axisymmetric superdirectivity in subsonic jets
AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, T Colonius, Y Gervais
Journal of fluid Mechanics 704, 388-420, 2012
Acoustic resonance in the potential core of subsonic jets
A Towne, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, T Colonius, O Schmidt, V Jaunet, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 1113-1152, 2017
Wavepackets and trapped acoustic modes in a turbulent jet: coherent structure eduction and global stability
OT Schmidt, A Towne, T Colonius, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, GA Bres
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 1153-1181, 2017
Jittering wave-packet models for subsonic jet noise
AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, A Agarwal, Y Gervais
Journal of Sound and Vibration 330 (18-19), 4474-4492, 2011
Wave-packet models for jet dynamics and sound radiation
AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, L Lesshafft
Applied Mechanics Reviews 71 (2), 020802, 2019
Scattering of wavepackets by a flat plate in the vicinity of a turbulent jet
AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, WR Wolf, Y Gervais
Journal of sound and Vibration 333 (24), 6516-6531, 2014
Jet–flap interaction tones
P Jordan, V Jaunet, A Towne, AVG Cavalieri, T Colonius, O Schmidt, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 853, 333-358, 2018
Resolvent-based modeling of coherent wave packets in a turbulent jet
L Lesshafft, O Semeraro, V Jaunet, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan
Physical Review Fluids 4 (6), 063901, 2019
Lift-up, Kelvin–Helmholtz and Orr mechanisms in turbulent jets
E Pickering, G Rigas, PAS Nogueira, AVG Cavalieri, OT Schmidt, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896, A2, 2020
Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition and resolvent analysis of near-wall coherent structures in turbulent pipe flows
LI Abreu, AVG Cavalieri, P Schlatter, R Vinuesa, DS Henningson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 900, A11, 2020
Scattering of turbulent-jet wavepackets by a swept trailing edge
S Piantanida, V Jaunet, J Huber, WR Wolf, P Jordan, AVG Cavalieri
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (6), 4350-4359, 2016
Using large eddy simulation to explore sound-source mechanisms in jets
AVG Cavalieri, G Daviller, P Comte, P Jordan, G Tadmor, Y Gervais
Journal of sound and Vibration 330 (17), 4098-4113, 2011
Large-scale streaky structures in turbulent jets
PAS Nogueira, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan, V Jaunet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 873, 211-237, 2019
Coherence decay and its impact on sound radiation by wavepackets
AVG Cavalieri, A Agarwal
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748, 399-415, 2014
The colour of forcing statistics in resolvent analyses of turbulent channel flows
P Morra, PAS Nogueira, AVG Cavalieri, DS Henningson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A24, 2021
Numerical solution of acoustic scattering by finite perforated elastic plates
AVG Cavalieri, WR Wolf, JW Jaworski
Proceedings of the royal society A: mathematical, physical and engineering …, 2016
Sensitivity of wavepackets in jets to nonlinear effects: the role of the critical layer
G Tissot, M Zhang, FC Lajús Jr, AVG Cavalieri, P Jordan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 811, 95-137, 2017
Stochastic and nonlinear forcing of wavepackets in a Mach 0.9 jet
A Towne, T Colonius, P Jordan, AV Cavalieri, GA Bres
21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2217, 2015
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Articles 1–20