Dany Bahar
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Cited by
Neighbors and the Evolution of the Comparative Advantage of Nations: Evidence of International Knowledge Diffusion?
D Bahar, R Hausmann, CA Hidalgo
Journal of International Economics 92 (1), 111-123, 2014
Migration, knowledge diffusion and the comparative advantage of nations
D Bahar, H Rapoport
The Economic Journal 128 (612), F273-F305, 2018
Give me your tired and your poor: Impact of a large-scale amnesty program for undocumented refugees
D Bahar, AM Ibáñez, SV Rozo
Journal of Development Economics 151, 102652, 2021
One more resource curse: Dutch disease and export concentration
D Bahar, MA Santos
Journal of Development Economics 132, 102-114, 2018
Migration and knowledge diffusion: The effect of returning refugees on export performance in the former Yugoslavia
D Bahar, A Hauptmann, C Özgüzel, H Rapoport
Review of Economics and Statistics 106 (2), 287-304, 2024
Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations
D Bahar, P Choudhury, H Rapoport
Research Policy 49 (9), 103947, 2020
Birthplace diversity and economic complexity: Cross-country evidence
D Bahar, H Rapoport, R Turati
Research Policy 51 (8), 103991, 2022
Venezuela refugee crisis to become the largest and most underfunded in modern history
D Bahar, M Dooley
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2019
Export take-offs and acceleration: Unpacking cross-sector linkages in the evolution of comparative advantage
D Bahar, S Rosenow, E Stein, R Wagner
World Development 117, 48-60, 2019
Integrating Venezuelans into the Colombian labor market
D Bahar, M Dooley, C Huang
Global Economy and Development at Brookings, Policy Brief. Retreived from …, 2018
Venezuelan migration, crime, and misperceptions: A review of data from Colombia, Peru, and Chile
D Bahar, M Dooley, A Selee
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2020
The hardships of long distance relationships: time zone proximity and the location of MNC's knowledge-intensive activities
D Bahar
Journal of International Economics 125, 103311, 2020
The middle productivity trap: Dynamics of productivity dispersion
D Bahar
Economic Letters 167, 60-66, 2018
Venezuela: a path out of misery
D Bahar, T Piccone, H Trinkunas
Brookings Policy Brief, 2018
Impact of the 2017 sanctions on Venezuela: Revisiting the evidence
D Bahar, S Bustos, J Morales-Arilla, MA Santos
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2019
Innovation on wings: Nonstop flights and firm innovation in the global context
D Bahar, P Choudhury, DY Kim, WW Koo
Management Science 69 (10), 6202-6223, 2023
Why accepting refugees is a win-win-win formula
D Bahar
Brookings Institute, 2018
Empowering Migrant Women: Impacts of Amnesties on Crime Reports
AM Ibáñez, SV Rozo Villarraga, D Bahar
Policy Research Working Paper Series, 2021
Venezuelan refugees and their receiving communities need funding, not sympathy
D Bahar, M Dooley
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2021
Legalizing Entrepreneurship
D Bahar, B Cowgill, J Guzman
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
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Articles 1–20