Anneke Kosse
Cited by
Cited by
Consumer cash usage: A cross-country comparison with payment diary survey data
J Bagnall, D Bounie, KP Huynh, A Kosse, T Schmidt, S Schuh
46th issue (December 2016) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Gaining momentum–Results of the 2021 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies
A Kosse, I Mattei
BIS papers, 2022
Migrants’ choice of remittance channel: do general payment habits play a role?
A Kosse, R Vermeulen
World Development 62, 213-227, 2014
Cash versus debit card: the role of budget control
L Hernandez, N Jonker, A Kosse
Journal of Consumer Affairs 51 (1), 91-112, 2017
The safety of cash and debit cards: a study on the perception and behaviour of Dutch consumers
A Kosse
De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper, 2010
Making headway-Results of the 2022 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies and crypto
A Kosse, I Mattei
BIS Papers, 2023
The costs of point-of-sale payments in Canada
A Kosse, H Chen, MH Felt, VD Jiongo, K Nield, A Welte
Bank of Canada Staff Discussion Paper, 2017
Do newspaper articles on card fraud affect debit card usage?
A Kosse
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (12), 5382-5391, 2013
Choosing how to pay: The influence of foreign backgrounds
A Kosse, DJ Jansen
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (3), 989-998, 2013
Estimating cash usage: The impact of survey design on research outcomes
N Jonker, A Kosse
De Economist 161, 19-44, 2013
Cash usage in the Netherlands: how much, where, when, who and whenever one wants?
N Jonker, A Kosse, L Hernández
DNB Occasional Studies, 2012
The impact of survey design on research outcomes: A case study of seven pilots measuring cash usage in the Netherlands
N Jonker, A Kosse
De Nederlandsche Bank, Working Paper, 2009
Interoperability between payment systems across borders
C Boar, S Claessens, A Kosse, R Leckow, T Rice
BIS Bulletins, 2021
Acceptance and Use of Payments at the Point of Sale in Canada
B Fung, K Huynh, A Kosse
Bank of Canada Review 2017 (Autumn), 14-26, 2017
Consumer payment choices: Room for further digisation?
A Kosse
Will the real stablecoin please stand up?
A Kosse, M Glowka, I Mattei, T Rice
BIS Papers, 2023
The interplay of financial education, financial inclusion and financial stability and the role of Big Tech
N Jonker, A Kosse
Contemporary Economic Policy 40 (4), 612-635, 2022
Towards a European payments market: survey results on cross-border payment behaviour of Dutch consumers
N Jonker, A Kosse
DNB Occasional Studies, 2008
Fast payments: design and adoption
J Frost, PK Wilkens, A Kosse, V Shreeti, C Velásquez
BIS Quarterly Review, 31, 2024
Choosing how to pay: the influence of home country habits
A Kosse, DJ Jansen
De Nederlandsche Bank Working Paper, 2011
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