Beth Gardner
Beth Gardner
Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology, University of Washington
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Spatial capture-recapture
JA Royle, RB Chandler, R Sollmann, B Gardner
Academic press, 2013
Comparison of five modelling techniques to predict the spatial distribution and abundance of seabirds
S Oppel, A Meirinho, I Ramírez, B Gardner, AF O’Connell, PI Miller, ...
Biological Conservation 156, 94-104, 2012
Improving density estimates for elusive carnivores: accounting for sex-specific detection and movements using spatial capture–recapture models for jaguars in central Brazil
R Sollmann, MM Furtado, B Gardner, H Hofer, ATA Jácomo, NM Tôrres, ...
Biological conservation 144 (3), 1017-1024, 2011
The ecology of religious beliefs
CA Botero, B Gardner, KR Kirby, J Bulbulia, MC Gavin, RD Gray
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (47), 16784-16789, 2014
Predicting species distributions from checklist data using site‐occupancy models
M Kéry, B Gardner, C Monnerat
Journal of Biogeography 37 (10), 1851-1862, 2010
Spatially explicit inference for open populations: estimating demographic parameters from camera‐trap studies
B Gardner, J Reppucci, M Lucherini, JA Royle
Ecology 91 (11), 3376-3383, 2010
Integrating multiple data sources in species distribution modeling: a framework for data fusion
K Pacifici, BJ Reich, DAW Miller, B Gardner, G Stauffer, S Singh, ...
Ecology 98 (3), 840-850, 2017
How does spatial study design influence density estimates from spatial capture-recapture models?
R Sollmann, B Gardner, JL Belant
PloS one 7 (4), e34575, 2012
Estimating wildlife activity curves: comparison of methods and sample size
MA Lashley, MV Cove, MC Chitwood, G Penido, B Gardner, CS DePerno, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4173, 2018
Imperfect detection is the rule rather than the exception in plant distribution studies
G Chen, M Kéry, M Plattner, K Ma, B Gardner
Journal of Ecology 101 (1), 183-191, 2013
Estimating black bear density using DNA data from hair snares
B Gardner, JA Royle, MT Wegan, RE Rainbolt, PD Curtis
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (2), 318-325, 2010
Comparison of density estimation methods for mammal populations with camera traps in the K aa‐I ya del G ran C haco landscape
AJ Noss, B Gardner, L Maffei, E Cuéllar, R Montaño, A Romero‐Muñoz, ...
Animal Conservation 15 (5), 527-535, 2012
A spatial mark–resight model augmented with telemetry data
R Sollmann, B Gardner, AW Parsons, JJ Stocking, BT McClintock, ...
Ecology 94 (3), 553-559, 2013
Use of spatial capture‐recapture modeling and DNA data to estimate densities of elusive animals
M Kery, B Gardner, T Stoeckle, D Weber, JA Royle
Conservation biology 25 (2), 356-364, 2011
Separating mortality and emigration: modelling space use, dispersal and survival with robust‐design spatial capture–recapture data
T Ergon, B Gardner
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (12), 1327-1336, 2014
Strategies for fitting nonlinear ecological models in R, AD M odel B uilder, and BUGS
BM Bolker, B Gardner, M Maunder, CW Berg, M Brooks, L Comita, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (6), 501-512, 2013
Hierarchical models for estimating density from DNA mark–recapture studies
B Gardner, JA Royle, MT Wegan
Ecology 90 (4), 1106-1115, 2009
Temporal resolutions in species distribution models of highly mobile marine animals: Recommendations for ecologists and managers
L Mannocci, AM Boustany, JJ Roberts, DM Palacios, DC Dunn, PN Halpin, ...
Diversity and Distributions 23 (10), 1098-1109, 2017
Predicting stream temperatures: geostatistical model comparison using alternative distance metrics
B Gardner, PJ Sullivan, AJ Lembo, Jr
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60 (3), 344-351, 2003
Estimating distribution of hidden objects with drones: From tennis balls to manatees
J Martin, HH Edwards, MA Burgess, HF Percival, DE Fagan, BE Gardner, ...
PLoS One 7 (6), e38882, 2012
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Articles 1–20