Daniel McCollum
Daniel McCollum
Rocky Mountain Research Station
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Cited by
Using donation mechanisms to value nonuse benefits from public goods
PA Champ, RC Bishop, TC Brown, DW McCollum
Journal of environmental economics and management 33 (2), 151-162, 1997
Which response format reveals the truth about donations to a public good?
TC Brown, PA Champ, RC Bishop, DW McCollum
Land Economics, 152-166, 1996
Valuing public goods: discrete versus continuous contingent-valuation responses
KJ Boyle, FR Johnson, DW McCollum, WH Desvousges, RW Dunford, ...
Land Economics, 381-396, 1996
A comparison of producer gas, biochar, and activated carbon from two distributed scale thermochemical conversion systems used to process forest biomass
N Anderson, JG Jones, D Page-Dumroese, D McCollum, S Baker, ...
Energies 6 (1), 164-183, 2013
Bid design and yea saying in single-bounded, dichotomous-choice questions
KJ Boyle, HF MacDonald, H Cheng, DW McCollum
Land economics, 49-64, 1998
Insect infestation and residential property values: A hedonic analysis of the mountain pine beetle epidemic
JI Price, DW McCollum, RP Berrens
Forest Policy and Economics 12 (6), 415-422, 2010
Anchoring and adjustment in single-bounded, contingent-valuation questions
KJ Boyle, FR Johnson, DW McCollum
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (5), 1495-1500, 1997
Test‐retest reliability of contingent valuation with independent sample pretest and posttest control groups
MF Teisl, KJ Boyle, DW McCollum, SD Reiling
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77 (3), 613-619, 1995
Income earning potential versus consumptive amenities in determining ranchland values
LA Torell, NR Rimbey, OA Ramirez, DW McCollum
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 537-560, 2005
Public purpose recreation marketing: a focus on the relationships between the public and public lands
WT Borrie, N Christensen, AE Watson, TA Miller, DW McCollum
Journal of park and recreation administration. 20 (2): 49-68, 2002
Climate change effects on rangelands and rangeland management: affirming the need for monitoring
DW Mccollum, JA Tanaka, JA Morgan, JE Mitchell, WE Fox, KA Maczko, ...
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 3 (3), e01264, 2017
An integrated social, economic, and ecologic conceptual (ISEEC) framework for considering rangeland sustainability
WE Fox, DW McCollum, JE Mitchell, LE Swanson, UP Kreuter, JA Tanaka, ...
Society and Natural Resources 22 (7), 593-606, 2009
Valuing grazing use on public land.
ET Bartlett, LA Torell, NR Rimbey, LW Va, DW McCollum
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 55 (5 …, 2002
Intra-regional amenities, wages, and home prices: the role of forests in the Southwest
MS Hand, JA Thacher, DW McCollum, RP Berrens
Land Economics 84 (4), 635-651, 2008
Attitudes toward and relative value of Alaskan brown and black bears to resident voters, resident hunters, and nonresident hunters
SM Miller, SD Miller, DW McCollum
Ursus, 357-376, 1998
Rangeland ecosystem goods and services: values and evaluation of opportunities for ranchers and land managers
K Maczko, JA Tanaka, R Breckenridge, L Hidinger, HT Heintz, WE Fox, ...
Rangelands 33 (5), 30-36, 2011
The net economic value of day use cross country skiing in Vermont: A dichotomous choice contingent valuation approach
DW McCOLLUM, AH Gilbert, GL Peterson
Journal of Leisure Research 22 (4), 341-352, 1990
The net economic value of recreation on the national forests: Twelve types of primary activity trips across nine Forest Service regions
DW McCollum
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and …, 1990
Measuring non-use values: theory and empirical applications
RC Bishop, PA Champ, TC Brown, DW McCollum
Determining the Value of Non-Marketed Goods: Economic, Psychological, and …, 1997
Estimating the Net Economic Value of National Forest Recreation: An Application of the National Visitor Use Monitoring Database.
JM Bowker, CM Starbuck, DBK English, JC Bergstrom, RS Rosenberger, ...
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Articles 1–20