Roman Samulyak
Roman Samulyak
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University
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Feasibility study-II of a muon-based neutrino source
S Ozaki, R Palmer, M Zisman, J Gallardo
BNL-52623, 7, 2001
Recent progress in neutrino factory and muon collider research<? format?> within the Muon Collaboration
MM Alsharo’a, CM Ankenbrandt, M Atac, BR Autin, VI Balbekov, ...
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and Beams 6 (8), 081001, 2003
International design study for the neutrino factory, interim design report
S Choubey, G Rees, VB Graves, L Tortora, O Yasuda, T Li, D Stratakis, ...
A numerical algorithm for MHD of free surface flows at low magnetic Reynolds numbers
R Samulyak, J Du, J Glimm, Z Xu
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (2), 1532-1549, 2007
Target Studies with BNL E951 at the AGS
H Kirk, K Brown, R Fernow, C Finfrock, D Gassner, G Greene, S Kahn, ...
PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 particle accelerator conference (Cat. No …, 2001
A magnetohydrodynamic simulation of pellet ablation in the electrostatic approximation
R Samulyak, T Lu, P Parks
Nuclear Fusion 47 (2), 103, 2007
Trimming swept volumes
D Blackmore, R Samulyak, MC Leu
Computer-Aided Design 31 (3), 215-223, 1999
Simulation of beam-induced plasma in gas-filled rf cavities
K Yu, R Samulyak, K Yonehara, B Freemire
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20 (3), 032002, 2017
Spherically symmetric simulation of plasma liner driven magnetoinertial fusion
R Samulyak, P Parks, L Wu
Physics of Plasmas 17 (9), 2010
An embedded boundary method for elliptic and parabolic problems with interfaces and application to multi-material systems with phase transitions
S Wang, R Samulyak, T Guo
Acta Mathematica Scientia 30 (2), 499-521, 2010
Plasma-jet-driven magneto-inertial fusion
YCF Thio, SC Hsu, FD Witherspoon, E Cruz, A Case, S Langendorf, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 75 (7), 581-598, 2019
Experiment to form and characterize a section of a spherically imploding plasma liner
SC Hsu, SJ Langendorf, KC Yates, JP Dunn, S Brockington, A Case, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (6), 1951-1961, 2017
Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in liquid metal flows: influence of cavitation and magnetic fields
R Samulyak, Y Prykarpatskyy
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 65 (4-5), 431-446, 2004
Lagrangian particle model for 3D simulation of pellets and SPI fragments in tokamaks
R Samulyak, S Yuan, N Naitlho, PB Parks
Nuclear Fusion 61 (4), 046007, 2021
Lagrangian particle method for compressible fluid dynamics
R Samulyak, X Wang, HC Chen
Journal of Computational Physics 362, 1-19, 2018
Direct numerical simulation of bubbly flows and application to cavitation mitigation
T Lu, R Samulyak, J Glimm
Simulation study of CO2 laser-plasma interactions and self-modulated wakefield acceleration
P Kumar, K Yu, R Zgadzaj, LD Amorim, MC Downer, J Welch, ...
Physics of Plasmas 26 (8), 2019
AP-Cloud: Adaptive Particle-in-Cloud method for optimal solutions to Vlasov–Poisson equation
X Wang, R Samulyak, X Jiao, K Yu
Journal of Computational Physics 316, 682-699, 2016
Near-field models and simulations of pellet ablation in tokamaks
N Bosviel, P Parks, R Samulyak
Physics of Plasmas 28 (1), 2021
The ablation rate of light-element pellets with a kinetic treatment for penetration of plasma electrons through the ablation cloud
PB Parks, N Bosviel, R Samulyak
Private communication, 2020
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Articles 1–20