Jonnell C. Sanciangco
Cited by
Cited by
Extinction risk and conservation of the world’s sharks and rays
NK Dulvy, SL Fowler, JA Musick, RD Cavanagh, PM Kyne, LR Harrison, ...
elife 3, e00590, 2014
The impact of conservation on the status of the world’s vertebrates
M Hoffmann, C Hilton-Taylor, A Angulo, M Böhm, TM Brooks, ...
science 330 (6010), 1503-1509, 2010
One-third of reef-building corals face elevated extinction risk from climate change and local impacts
KE Carpenter, M Abrar, G Aeby, RB Aronson, S Banks, A Bruckner, ...
Science 321 (5888), 560-563, 2008
The loss of species: mangrove extinction risk and geographic areas of global concern
BA Polidoro, KE Carpenter, L Collins, NC Duke, AM Ellison, JC Ellison, ...
PloS one 5 (4), e10095, 2010
Extinction risk assessment of the world's seagrass species
FT Short, B Polidoro, SR Livingstone, KE Carpenter, JS Bujang, ...
Biological Conservation, 2011
Fishing groupers towards extinction: a global assessment of threats and extinction risks in a billion dollar fishery
Y Sadovy de Mitcheson, MT Craig, AA Bertoncini, KE Carpenter, ...
Fish and fisheries 14 (2), 119-136, 2013
Habitat availability and heterogeneity and the Indo-Pacific warm pool as predictors of marine species richness in the tropical Indo-Pacific
JC Sanciangco, KE Carpenter, PJ Etnoyer, F Moretzsohn
PLoS One 8 (2), e56245, 2013
The likelihood of extinction of iconic and dominant herbivores and detritivores of coral reefs: the parrotfishes and surgeonfishes
MT Comeros-Raynal, JH Choat, BA Polidoro, KD Clements, R Abesamis, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e39825, 2012
Fascinating and forgotten: the conservation status of marine elapid snakes
C Elfes, S Livingstone, A Lane, V Lukosche, K Sanders, A Courtney, ...
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8 (1), 37-52, 2013
Patterns of extinction risk and threat for marine vertebrates and habitat-forming species in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
BA Polidoro, T Brooks, KE Carpenter, GJ Edgar, S Henderson, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 448, 93-104, 2012
Conservation status of the world's hagfish species and the loss of phylogenetic diversity and ecosystem function
L Knapp, MM Mincarone, H Harwell, B Polidoro, J Sanciangco, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21 (5), 401-411, 2011
Conservation status of marine biodiversity in oceania: an analysis of marine species on the IUCN red list of threatened species
BA Polidoro, CT Elfes, JC Sanciangco, H Pippard, KE Carpenter
Journal of Marine Sciences 2011 (1), 247030, 2011
Changes in residential greenness between pregnancies and birth outcomes: longitudinal evidence from Michigan births 1990--2012
CE Margerison, AL Pearson, Z Lin, J Sanciangco
International Journal of Epidemiology 50 (1), 190-198, 2021
The relationship between City “greenness” and homicide in the US: evidence over a 30-year period
JC Sanciangco, GD Breetzke, Z Lin, Y Wang, KA Clevenger, AL Pearson
Environment and Behavior 54 (2), 538-571, 2022
Oceanography, geology, biogeography, and fisheries of the Eastern Central Atlantic
M Tandstad, AM Caramelo, F Carocci, K Carpenter, JC Sanciangco
The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Volume 1 …, 2014
A Global Assessment of the Threat of Extinction for Reef-Building Corals
K Carpenter, S Livingstone, M Abrar, G Aeby, R Aronson, A Bruckner, ...
11th annual ICRS 11 (07), 2008
Exploring the relationship between bird diversity and anxiety and mood disorder hospitalisation rates
RT Buxton, AL Pearson, HY Lin, JC Sanciangco, JR Bennett
Geo: Geography and Environment 10 (2), e00127, 2023
Reef-building Corals Red List Assessments
K Carpenter, M Abrar, G Aeby, R Aronson, S Banks, A Bruckner, ...
Iucnredlist. Org, 2008
A strategic and scalable approach for data analysis and visualization tools for state, tribal, local, or territorial (STLT) public health department
J Sanciangco, NK GISP
APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo, 2023
Applying epidemiological and surveillance strategies to counter misinformation through data quality improvement and data visualization applications
N Khan, E Quinones, J Sanciangco
APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo, 2023
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Articles 1–20