Arash Sheikhlar
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Cited by
Fuzzy adaptive PI control of omni-directional mobile robot
A Sheikhlar, A Fakharian, A Adhami-Mirhosseini
2013 13th Iranian conference on fuzzy systems (IFSC), 1-4, 2013
SAGE: task-environment platform for evaluating a broad range of AI learners
LM Eberding, KR Thórisson, A Sheikhlar, SP Andrason
Artificial General Intelligence: 13th International Conference, AGI 2020, St …, 2020
Elements of task theory
M Belenchia, KR Thórisson, LM Eberding, A Sheikhlar
Artificial General Intelligence: 14th International Conference, AGI 2021 …, 2022
Autonomous cumulative transfer learning
A Sheikhlar, KR Thórisson, LM Eberding
Artificial General Intelligence: 13th International Conference, AGI 2020, St …, 2020
Design and Implementation of Self-Adaptive PD Controller Based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Omni-Directional Fast Robots in Presence of Model Uncertainties
A. Sheikhlar, A. Fakharian, H. Beik-Mohammadi, A. Adhami-Mirhosseini
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2016
Comparison of machine learners on an aba experiment format of the cart-pole task
LM Eberding, KR Thórisson, A Prabu, S Jaroria, A Sheikhlar
International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, 49-63, 2022
Causal generalization in autonomous learning controllers
A Sheikhlar, LM Eberding, KR Thórisson
Artificial General Intelligence: 14th International Conference, AGI 2021 …, 2022
About the intricacy of tasks
LM Eberding, M Belenchia, A Sheikhlar, KR Thórisson
Artificial General Intelligence: 14th International Conference, AGI 2021 …, 2022
Online policy iteration-based tracking control of four wheeled omni-directional robots
A Sheikhlar, A Fakharian
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140 (8), 081017, 2018
Explicit general analogy for autonomous transversal learning
A Sheikhlar, KR Thórisson, J Thompson
International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning, 48-62, 2022
Adaptive optimal control via reinforcement learning for omni-directional wheeled robots
A Sheikhlar, A Fakharian
2016 4th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and …, 2016
Delay compensation on fuzzy trajectory tracking control of omni-directional mobile robots
A Sheikhlar, M Zarghami, A Fakharian, MB Menhaj
AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering 45 (2), 57-64, 2013
Causal Generalization via Goal-Driven Analogy
A Sheikhlar, KR Thórisson
International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, 165-175, 2024
Autonomous causal generalization
A Sheikhlar
Artificial General Intelligence
KR Thórisson, P Isaev, A Sheikhlar
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Articles 1–15