Haythem A. Bany Salameh
Haythem A. Bany Salameh
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Al Ain University of Science & Technology
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Cited by
MAC protocol for opportunistic cognitive radio networks with soft guarantees
HB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 8 (10), 1339-1352, 2009
Spectrum assignment in cognitive radio networks for internet-of-things delay-sensitive applications under jamming attacks
HAB Salameh, S Almajali, M Ayyash, H Elgala
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 1904-1913, 2018
Cooperative adaptive spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks
HAB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 18 (4), 1181-1194, 2010
Data and service management in densely crowded environments: Challenges, opportunities, and recent developments
M Aloqaily, I Al Ridhawi, HB Salameh, Y Jararweh
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (4), 81-87, 2019
Channel access protocols for multihop opportunistic networks: challenges and recent developments
HAB Salameh, M Krunz
IEEE network 23 (4), 14-19, 2009
On the continuous coverage problem for a swarm of UAVs
H Shakhatreh, A Khreishah, J Chakareski, HB Salameh, I Khalil
2016 IEEE 37th Sarnoff Symposium, 130-135, 2016
Spectrum bonding and aggregation with guard-band awareness in cognitive radio networks
HAB Salameh, M Krunz, D Manzi
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (3), 569-581, 2013
Intelligent jamming-aware routing in multi-hop IoT-based opportunistic cognitive radio networks
HB Salameh, S Otoum, M Aloqaily, R Derbas, I Al Ridhawi, Y Jararweh
Ad Hoc Networks 98, 102035, 2020
A framework for efficient and secured mobility of IoT devices in mobile edge computing
S Almajali, HB Salameh, M Ayyash, H Elgala
2018 third international conference on fog and mobile edge computing (FMEC …, 2018
Mobility aware and dual phase AODV protocol with adaptive hello messages over vehicular ad hoc networks
KA Darabkh, MSA Judeh, HB Salameh, S Althunibat
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 94, 277-292, 2018
Throughput-oriented channel assignment for opportunistic spectrum access networks
HAB Salameh
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (11-12), 2108-2118, 2011
A survey on DoS/DDoS mitigation techniques in SDNs: Classification, comparison, solutions, testing tools and datasets
B Alhijawi, S Almajali, H Elgala, HB Salameh, M Ayyash
Computers and Electrical Engineering 99, 107706, 2022
Distance-and traffic-aware channel assignment in cognitive radio networks
HB Salameh, M Krunz, O Younis
2008 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2008
Spectrum sensing in full-duplex cognitive radio networks under hardware imperfections
AAA Boulogeorgos, HAB Salameh, GK Karagiannidis
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 2072-2084, 2016
A–Z overview of the in-band full-duplex cognitive radio networks
KA Darabkh, OM Amro, HB Salameh, RT Al-Zubi
Computer Communications 145, 66-95, 2019
A mobility management architecture for seamless delivery of 5G-IoT services
V Balasubramanian, F Zaman, M Aloqaily, I Al Ridhawi, Y Jararweh, ...
ICC 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2019
Opportunistic routing in cognitive radio networks: exploiting spectrum availability and rich channel diversity
OS Badarneh, HB Salameh
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), 1-5, 2011
Rate-maximization channel assignment scheme for cognitive radio networks
HB Salameh
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
SD-CRN: Software defined cognitive radio network framework
Y Jararweh, M Al Ayyoub, A Doulat, AAA Al Aziz, HAB Salameh, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 592-597, 2014
Spectrum assignment in hardware-constrained cognitive radio IoT networks under varying channel-quality conditions
HAB Salameh, S Al-Masri, E Benkhelifa, J Lloret
IEEE Access 7, 42816-42825, 2019
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Articles 1–20