Marcelino de la Cruz Rot
Marcelino de la Cruz Rot
Profesor de Botánica, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
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Cited by
Cited by
Deforestation and forest fragmentation in South Ecuador since the 1970s–losing a hotspot of biodiversity
MF Tapia-Armijos, J Homeier, CI Espinosa, C Leuschner, M De La Cruz
PloS one 10 (9), e0133701, 2015
Bosques tropicales secos de la región Pacífico Ecuatorial: diversidad, estructura, funcionamiento e implicaciones para la conservación.
CI Espinosa, M De la Cruz, AL Luzuriaga, A Escudero
Ecosistemas 21 (1-2), 2012
Medicinal plants sold at traditional markets in southern Ecuador
F Tinitana, M Ríos, JC Romero-Benavides, M De la Cruz, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 12, 2016
Where do seedlings go? A spatio‐temporal analysis of seedling mortality in a semi‐arid gypsophyte
M De La Cruz, RL Romao, A Escudero, FT Maestre
Ecography 31 (6), 720-730, 2008
Seed dispersal spectrum of woody species in south Ecuadorian dry forests: environmental correlates and the effect of considering species abundance
A Jara‐Guerrero, M De la Cruz, M Méndez
Biotropica 43 (6), 722-730, 2011
Intra-annual patterns of tracheid size in the Mediterranean tree Juniperus thurifera as an indicator of seasonal water stress
L DeSoto, M De la Cruz, P Fonti
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (6), 1280-1294, 2011
Métodos para analizar datos puntuales
M de la Cruz Rot
Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y ciencias …, 2008
Competition may explain the fine‐scale spatial patterns and genetic structure of two co‐occurring plant congeners
S Matesanz, TE Gimeno, M de la Cruz, A Escudero, F Valladares
Journal of Ecology 99 (3), 838-848, 2011
Introdución al análisis de datos mapeados o algunas de las (muchas) cosas que puedo hacer si tengo coordenadas
M De la Cruz
Ecosistemas 15 (3), 2006
What causes conspecific plant aggregation? Disentangling the role of dispersal, habitat heterogeneity and plant–plant interactions
C Lara‐Romero, M de la Cruz, G Escribano‐Ávila, A García‐Fernández, ...
Oikos 125 (9), 1304-1313, 2016
Maintaining distances with the engineer: patterns of coexistence in plant communities beyond the patch-bare dichotomy
DS Pescador, J Chacón-Labella, M de la Cruz, A Escudero
New Phytologist 204 (1), 140-148, 2014
The role of root community attributes in predicting soil fungal and bacterial community patterns
J López‐Angulo, M de la Cruz, J Chacón‐Labella, A Illuminati, ...
New Phytologist, 2020
Release of Juniperus thurifera woodlands from herbivore‐mediated arrested succession in Spain
L DeSoto, JM Olano, V Rozas, M De la Cruz
Applied Vegetation Science 13 (1), 15-25, 2010
Spatial pattern and neighbour effects on Helianthemum squamatum seedlings in a Mediterranean gypsum community
A Escudero, RL Romão, M De La Cruz, FT Maestre
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 383-390, 2005
Does spatial heterogeneity blur the signature of dispersal syndromes on spatial patterns of woody species? A test in a tropical dry forest
A Jara‐Guerrero, M De la Cruz, CI Espinosa, M Méndez, A Escudero
Oikos 124 (10), 1360-1366, 2015
Aproximación a la checklist de los gipsófitos ibéricos
JF Mota, PS Gómez, MEM Calvente, PC Rodríguez, EL Lumbreras, ...
Anales de Biología, 71-80, 2009
Análisis fitosociológico de los saladares y manglares de Baja California, México.
J Delgadillo, M Peinado, JMM Parras, F Alcaraz, A De La Torre
Acta Botánica Mexicana, 1-35, 1992
Pine invasions in treeless environments: dispersal overruns microsite heterogeneity
A Pauchard, A Escudero, RA García, M de la Cruz, B Langdon, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6 (2), 447-459, 2016
The coastal salt marshes of California and Baja California: phytosociological typology and zonation
M Peinado, F Alcaraz, J Delgadillo, M De La Cruz, J Alvarez, JL Aguirre
Vegetatio 110, 55-66, 1994
Phenotypic integration does not constrain phenotypic plasticity: differential plasticity of traits is associated to their integration across environments
S Matesanz, M Blanco‐Sánchez, M Ramos‐Muñoz, M de la Cruz, ...
New Phytologist 231 (6), 2359-2370, 2021
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Articles 1–20