Samuel Y. S. Wong
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Cited by
Cognitive tests to detect dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
KKF Tsoi, JYC Chan, HW Hirai, SYS Wong, TCY Kwok
JAMA internal medicine 175 (9), 1450-1458, 2015
Influenza vaccine uptake, COVID-19 vaccination intention and vaccine hesitancy among nurses: A survey
KO Kwok, KK Li, WI Wei, A Tang, SYS Wong, SS Lee
International journal of nursing studies 114, 103854, 2021
Community responses during early phase of COVID-19 epidemic, Hong Kong
KO Kwok, KK Li, HHH Chan, YY Yi, A Tang, WI Wei, SYS Wong
Emerging infectious diseases 26 (7), 1575, 2020
Herd immunity–estimating the level required to halt the COVID-19 epidemics in affected countries
KO Kwok, F Lai, WI Wei, SYS Wong, JWT Tang
Journal of Infection 80 (6), e32-e33, 2020
Global incidence and mortality for prostate cancer: analysis of temporal patterns and trends in 36 countries
MCS Wong, WB Goggins, HHX Wang, FDH Fung, C Leung, SYS Wong, ...
European urology 70 (5), 862-874, 2016
Vertebral bone mineral density, marrow perfusion, and fat content in healthy men and men with osteoporosis: dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and MR spectroscopy
JF Griffith, DKW Yeung, GE Antonio, FKH Lee, AWL Hong, SYS Wong, ...
Radiology 236 (3), 945-951, 2005
Mindfulness-based interventions: an overall review
D Zhang, EKP Lee, ECW Mak, CY Ho, SYS Wong
British medical bulletin 138 (1), 41-57, 2021
Intention of nurses to accept coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination and change of intention to accept seasonal influenza vaccination during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic …
K Wang, ELY Wong, KF Ho, AWL Cheung, EYY Chan, EK Yeoh, ...
Vaccine 38 (45), 7049-7056, 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on loneliness, mental health, and health service utilisation: a prospective cohort study of older adults with multimorbidity in primary care
SYS Wong, D Zhang, RWS Sit, BHK Yip, RY Chung, CKM Wong, ...
British Journal of General Practice 70 (700), e817-e824, 2020
Vertebral Marrow Fat Content and Diffusion and Perfusion Indexes in Women with Varying Bone Density: MR Evaluation1
JF Griffith, DKW Yeung, GE Antonio, SYS Wong, TCY Kwok, J Woo, ...
Radiology 241 (3), 831-838, 2006
Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission in 190 countries from 23 January to 13 April 2020
Y Bo, C Guo, C Lin, Y Zeng, HB Li, Y Zhang, MS Hossain, JWM Chan, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 102, 247-253, 2021
Epidemiology of multimorbidity in China and implications for the healthcare system: cross-sectional survey among 162,464 community household residents in southern China
HHX Wang, JJ Wang, SYS Wong, MCS Wong, FJ Li, PX Wang, ZH Zhou, ...
BMC medicine 12, 1-12, 2014
Change of willingness to accept COVID-19 vaccine and reasons of vaccine hesitancy of working people at different waves of local epidemic in Hong Kong, China: Repeated cross …
K Wang, ELY Wong, KF Ho, AWL Cheung, PSY Yau, D Dong, SYS Wong, ...
Vaccines 9 (1), 62, 2021
Willingness of Hong Kong healthcare workers to accept pre-pandemic influenza vaccination at different WHO alert levels: two questionnaire surveys
JSY Chor, KLK Ngai, WB Goggins, MCS Wong, SYS Wong, N Lee, ...
Bmj 339, b3391, 2009
COVID-19 pandemic, infodemic and the role of eHealth literacy
YY Chong, HY Cheng, HYL Chan, WT Chien, SYS Wong
International journal of nursing studies 108, 103644, 2020
Effect of facemasks on empathy and relational continuity: a randomised controlled trial in primary care
CKM Wong, BHK Yip, S Mercer, S Griffiths, K Kung, MC Wong, J Chor, ...
BMC family practice 14, 1-7, 2013
Patient enablement requires physician empathy: a cross-sectional study of general practice consultations in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation in Scotland
SW Mercer, BD Jani, M Maxwell, SYS Wong, GCM Watt
BMC family practice 13, 1-9, 2012
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use is associated with higher bone mineral density in elderly Chinese
H Lynn, T Kwok, SYS Wong, J Woo, PC Leung
Bone 38 (4), 584-588, 2006
The association between shift duty and abnormal eating behavior among nurses working in a major hospital: a cross-sectional study
H Wong, MCS Wong, SYS Wong, A Lee
International journal of nursing studies 47 (8), 1021-1027, 2010
Sociodemographic predictors of health risk perception, attitude and behavior practices associated with health-emergency disaster risk management for biological hazards: the …
EYY Chan, Z Huang, ESK Lo, KKC Hung, ELY Wong, SYS Wong
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (11), 3869, 2020
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