Andrew Rumbach
Cited by
Cited by
Decentralization and small cities: Towards more effective urban disaster governance?
A Rumbach
Habitat International 52, 35-42, 2016
Indigenous institutions and their role in disaster risk reduction and resilience: evidence from the 2009 tsunami in American Samoa
A Rumbach, D Foley
Ecology and Society 19 (1), 2014
Mobile home parks and disasters: Understanding risk to the third housing type in the United States
A Rumbach, E Sullivan, C Makarewicz
Natural hazards review 21 (2), 05020001, 2020
Resilient growth: Fantasy plans and unplanned developments in India's flood‐prone coastal cities
L Weinstein, A Rumbach, S Sinha
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 43 (2), 273-291, 2019
The importance of place in early disaster recovery: a case study of the 2013 Colorado floods
A Rumbach, C Makarewicz, J Németh
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59 (11), 2045-2063, 2016
Building community resilience through historic preservation
D Appler, A Rumbach
Journal of the American Planning Association 82 (2), 92-103, 2016
At the roots of urban disasters: Planning and uneven geographies of risk in Kolkata, India
A Rumbach
Journal of Urban Affairs 39 (6), 783-799, 2017
Do new towns increase disaster risk? Evidence from Kolkata, India
A Rumbach
Habitat International 43, 117-124, 2014
Predictors of household exposure to monsoon rain hazards in informal settlements
A Rumbach, M Shirgaokar
Natural Hazards 85 (2), 709-728, 2017
Disaster governance in small urban places: Issues, trends, and concerns
A Rumbach
Disaster governance in urbanising Asia, 109-125, 2016
Rebuilding community after Katrina: transformative education in the New Orleans planning initiative
J Forester, K Reardon
Temple University Press, 2015
Natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale: potential impacts on the tourism economy of the Southern Tier
A Rumbach
Prepared for the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board, 2011
Disaster risk creation in the Darjeeling Himalayas: Moving toward justice
A Rumbach, J Németh
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 1 (3), 340-362, 2018
Investigating housing tenures beyond homeownership: a study of informal settlements in Kolkata, India
M Shirgaokar, A Rumbach
Housing Studies 33 (1), 117-139, 2018
Urban disasters beyond the city: Environmental risk in India’s fast-growing towns and villages
A Rumbach, G Follingstad
International journal of disaster risk reduction 34, 94-107, 2019
Equity planning in post-hurricane Katrina New Orleans: Lessons from the ninth ward
KM Reardon, M Ionescu-Heroiu, AJ Rumbach
Cityscape, 57-76, 2008
Putting people at the center of climate change adaptation plans: A vulnerability approach
AJ Rumbach, N Kudva
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 2 (4), 1-23, 2011
Bringing practice to the classroom: Using a deliberative learning and case study approach to teach international planning
L Hoey, A Rumbach, JD Shake
Journal of Planning Education and Research 37 (2), 223-233, 2017
Affordable but marginalized: A sociospatial and regulatory analysis of mobile home parks in the Houston metropolitan area
E Sullivan, C Makarewicz, A Rumbach
Journal of the American Planning Association 88 (2), 232-244, 2022
You don’t need zoning to be exclusionary: manufactured home parks, land-use regulations and housing segregation in the Houston metropolitan area
A Rumbach, E Sullivan, S McMullen, C Makarewicz
Land Use Policy 123, 106422, 2022
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Articles 1–20