Marian Koch
Marian Koch
Landscape Ecology Group, University of Rostock
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Cited by
Controls for multi-scale temporal variation in ecosystem methane exchange during the growing season of a permanently inundated fen
F Koebsch, G Jurasinski, M Koch, J Hofmann, S Glatzel
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 6824, 2014
Commentary: do we have a consistent terminology for species diversity? We are on the way
G Jurasinski, M Koch
Oecologia 167 (4), 893-902, 2011
Four decades of vegetation development in a percolation mire complex following intensive drainage and abandonment
M Koch, G Jurasinski
Plant Ecology & Diversity, 1-12, 2014
Spatial Variability of Annual Estimates of Methane Emissions in a Phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Dominated Restored Coastal Brackish Fen
S Koch, G Jurasinski, F Koebsch, M Koch, S Glatzel
Wetlands 34 (3), 593-602, 2014
Sulfur and carbon isotope biogeochemistry of a rewetted brackish fen
F Koebsch, M Gehre, M Winkel, S Koehler, M Koch, G Jurasinski, A Spitzy, ...
Controls for ecosystem methane exchange are time-scale specifc and shift during the growing season of a temperate fen
T Sachs, F Koebsch, G Jurasinski, M Koch, J Hofmann, S Glatzel
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 0255, 2014
From Meadow to Shallow Lake: Short-term Vegetation Dynamics After Rewetting of a Coastal Brackish Fen Studied Using RGB Aerial Photographs
M Koch, F Koebsch, J Hahn, G Jurasinski
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Articles 1–7