John Volin
John Volin
University of Connecticut
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Generality of leaf trait relationships: a test across six biomes
PB Reich, DS Ellsworth, MB Walters, JM Vose, C Gresham, JC Volin, ...
Ecology 80 (6), 1955-1969, 1999
Relationships of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span: a test across biomes and functional groups
PB Reich, MB Walters, DS Ellsworth, JM Vose, JC Volin, C Gresham, ...
Oecologia 114, 471-482, 1998
Modification of seed germination performance through cold plasma chemistry technology
JC Volin, FS Denes, RA Young, SMT Park
Crop science 40 (6), 1706-1718, 2000
Interaction of ozone pollution and light effects on photosynthesis in a forest canopy experiment
MG Tjoelker, JC Volin, J Oleksyn, PB Reich
Plant, Cell & Environment 18 (8), 895-905, 1995
Comparing nitrogen runoff and leaching between newly established St. Augustinegrass turf and an alternative residential landscape
JE Erickson, JL Cisar, JC Volin, GH Snyder
Crop Science 41 (6), 1889-1895, 2001
Elevated carbon dioxide ameliorates the effects of ozone on photosynthesis and growth: species respond similarly regardless of photosynthetic pathway or plant functional group
JC Volin, PB Reich, TJ Givnish
The New Phytologist 138 (2), 315-325, 1998
Reexamining the empirical relation between plant growth and leaf photosynthesis
EL Kruger, JC Volin
Functional Plant Biology 33 (5), 421-429, 2006
The reproductive biology of the invasive ferns Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum (Schizaeaceae): implications for invasive potential
MS Lott, JC Volin, RW Pemberton, DF Austin
American Journal of Botany 90 (8), 1144-1152, 2003
Vegetation differentiation in the patterned landscape of the central Everglades: importance of local and landscape drivers
TJ Givnish, JC Volin, VD Owen, VC Volin, JD Muss, PH Glaser
Global Ecology and Biogeography 17 (3), 384-402, 2008
Predicting rapid invasion of the Florida Everglades by Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium microphyllum)
JC Volin, MS Lott, JD Muss, D Owen
Diversity and distributions 10 (5‐6), 439-446, 2004
Enriched atmospheric CO2 and defoliation: effects on tree chemistry and insect performance
S Roth, RL Lindroth, JC Volin, EL Kruger
Global Change Biology 4 (4), 419-430, 1998
CO2‐mediated changes in aspen chemistry: effects on gypsy moth performance and susceptibility to virus
R Lindroth, S Roth, E Kruger, J Volin, P Koss
Global Change Biology 3 (3), 279-289, 1997
Light environment alters response to ozone stress in seedlings of Acer saccharum Marsh, and hybrid Populus L. I. In situ net photosynthesis, dark respiration and …
MG Tjoelker, JC Volin, J Oleksyn, PB Reich
New Phytologist 124 (4), 627-636, 1993
Interaction of elevated CO2 and O3 on growth, photosynthesis and respiration of three perennial species grown in low and high nitrogen
JC Volin, PB Reich
Physiologia Plantarum 97 (4), 674-684, 1996
Effect of soil pH on growth, nutrient uptake, and mycorrhizal colonization in exotic invasive Lygodium microphyllum
PG Soti, K Jayachandran, S Koptur, JC Volin
Plant Ecology 216, 989-998, 2015
Recent and historic drivers of landscape change in the Everglades ridge, slough, and tree island mosaic
L Larsen, N Aumen, C Bernhardt, V Engel, T Givnish, S Hagerthey, ...
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 41 (S1), 344-381, 2011
Resistance of crayfish (Procambarus spp.) populations to wetland drying depends on species and substrate
NJ Dorn, JC Volin
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (4), 766-777, 2009
Light environment alters response to ozone stress in seedlings of Acer saccharum Marsh, and hybrid Populus L. II. Diagnostic gas exchange and leaf chemistry
JC Volin, MG Tjoelker, J Oleksyn, PB Reich
New phytologist 124 (4), 637-646, 1993
Phosphorus and potassium leaching under contrasting residential landscape models established on a sandy soil
JE Erickson, JL Cisar, GH Snyder, JC Volin
Crop science 45 (2), 546-552, 2005
Effects of growth regulator concentrations and explant size on shoot organogenesis from callus derived from zygotic embryos of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
A Espinasse, C Lay, J Volin
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 17, 171-181, 1989
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Articles 1–20