Francisco Alpizar
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Using choice experiments for non-market valuation
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Working papers in economics/Göteborg University, Dept. of Economics; no. 52, 2001
How much do we care about absolute versus relative income and consumption?
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 56 (3), 405-421, 2005
Anonymity, reciprocity, and conformity: Evidence from voluntary contributions to a national park in Costa Rica
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Journal of Public Economics 92 (5-6), 1047-1060, 2008
Climate change impacts and adaptation among smallholder farmers in Central America
CA Harvey, M Saborio-Rodríguez, MR Martinez-Rodríguez, B Viguera, ...
Agriculture & Food Security 7 (1), 1-20, 2018
Policy design for the Anthropocene
T Sterner, EB Barbier, I Bateman, I van den Bijgaart, AS Crépin, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (1), 14-21, 2019
Determinants of performance of community-based drinking water organizations
R Madrigal, F Alpízar, A Schlüter
World Development 39 (9), 1663-1675, 2011
On the preconditions for large-scale collective action
SC Jagers, N Harring, Ĺ Löfgren, M Sjöstedt, F Alpizar, B Brülde, ...
Ambio 49, 1282-1296, 2020
A framework for selecting and designing policies to reduce marine plastic pollution in developing countries
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, G Lanza, B Carney, RC Daniels, M Jaime, T Ho, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 109, 25-35, 2020
The pricing of protected areas in nature-based tourism: A local perspective
F Alpízar
Ecological Economics 56 (2), 294-307, 2006
Does tourism eco-certification pay? Costa Rica’s blue flag program
A Blackman, MA Naranjo, J Robalino, F Alpízar, J Rivera
World Development 58, 41-52, 2014
Assessing linkages between agriculture and biodiversity in Central America: Historical overview and future perspectives
CA Harvey, F Alpízar, M Chacón, R Madrigal
Mesoamerican & Caribbean Region, Conservation Science Program. The Nature …, 2005
Conditional cash transfers and payments for environmental services—a conceptual framework for explaining and judging differences in outcomes
UM Persson, F Alpízar
World Development 43, 124-137, 2013
The effect of ambiguous risk, and coordination on farmers' adaptation to climate change—A framed field experiment
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, MA Naranjo
Ecological Economics 70 (12), 2317-2326, 2011
Policy implications and analysis of the determinants of travel mode choice: an application of choice experiments to metropolitan Costa Rica
F Alpizar, F Carlsson
Environment and Development Economics 8 (4), 603-619, 2003
Does context matter more for hypothetical than for actual contributions? Evidence from a natural field experiment
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Experimental Economics 11, 299-314, 2008
Determinants of food insecurity among smallholder farmer households in Central America: recurrent versus extreme weather-driven events
F Alpízar, M Saborío-Rodríguez, MR Martínez-Rodríguez, B Viguera, ...
Regional Environmental Change 20, 1-16, 2020
The Importance of Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Economic Growth and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: An economic valuation of ecosystems
A Bovarnick, F Alpizar, C Schnell
New York: United Nations Development Programme., 2010
Deforestation impacts of environmental services payments: Costa Rica's PSA program 2000-2005.
J Robalino, A Pfaff, GA Sánchez-Azofeifa, F Alpízar, C León, ...
Collective versus Random Fining: An Experimental Study on Controlling Ambient Pollution
F Alpízar, T Requate, A Schram
Environmental and Resource Economics 29 (2), 231-252, 2004
Context matters: exploring the cost-effectiveness of fixed payments and procurement auctions for PES
L Lundberg, UM Persson, F Alpizar, K Lindgren
Ecological Economics 146, 347-358, 2018
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Articles 1–20