Iraima Verkaik
Iraima Verkaik
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Fire as a disturbance in Mediterranean climate streams
I Verkaik, M Rieradevall, SD Cooper, JM Melack, TL Dudley, N Prat
Hydrobiologia 719 (1), 353-382, 2013
Recruitment and growth decline in Pinus halepensis populations after recurrent wildfires in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula)
M Eugenio, I Verkaik, F Lloret, JM Espelta
Forest Ecology and Management 231 (1), 47-54, 2006
Post-fire regeneration thinning, cone production, serotiny and regeneration age in Pinus halepensis
I Verkaik, JM Espelta
Forest Ecology and Management 231 (1), 155-163, 2006
As time goes by: 20 years of changes in the aquatic macroinvertebrate metacommunity of Mediterranean river networks
M Cañedo‐Argüelles, C Gutiérrez‐Cánovas, R Acosta, D Castro‐López, ...
Journal of Biogeography 47 (9), 1861-1874, 2020
A biological tool to assess flow connectivity in reference temporary streams from the Mediterranean Basin
N Cid, I Verkaik, EM García-Roger, M Rieradevall, N Bonada, ...
Science of The Total Environment 540, 178-190, 2016
Spatial scale effects on taxonomic and biological trait diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean streams
EM García-Roger, MM Sánchez-Montoya, N Cid Puey, S Erba, ...
Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 2013, vol. 183, num. 2, p. 89-105, 2013
Stream macroinvertebrate community responses to fire: are they the same in different fire-prone biogeographic regions?
I Verkaik, M Vila-Escalé, M Rieradevall, CV Baxter, PS Lake, GW Minshall, ...
Freshwater Science 34 (4), 1527-1541, 2015
Recurrent wildfires constrain long-term reproduction ability in Pinus halepensis Mill.
JM Espelta, I Verkaik, M Eugenio, F Lloret
International Journal of Wildland Fire 17 (5), 579-585, 2008
Tree density and site quality influence on Pinus halepensis Mill. reproductive characteristics after large fires
D Moya, JM Espelta, I Verkaik, F López-Serrano, J De Las Heras
Annals of Forest Science 64 (6), 649-656, 2007
Small but powerful: Top predator local extinction affects ecosystem structure and function in an intermittent stream
P Rodríguez-Lozano, I Verkaik, M Rieradevall, N Prat
PLoS ONE 10 (2), e0117630, 2015
Seasonal drought plays a stronger role than wildfire in shaping macroinvertebrate communities of Mediterranean streams
I Verkaik, M Vila‐Escalé, M Rieradevall, N Prat
International Review of Hydrobiology 98 (6), 271-283, 2013
La qualitat ecològica del Llobregat, Besòs, el Foix, la Tordera i el Ter
N Prat, M Rieradevall, P Fortuño, G Pié, T Puntí, R Acosta, ...
Informe 2010, 2011
A trait‐based approach reveals the feeding selectivity of a small endangered Mediterranean fish
P Rodríguez‐Lozano, I Verkaik, A Maceda‐Veiga, M Monroy, A de Sostoa, ...
Ecology and evolution 6 (10), 3299-3310, 2016
What Do Students Know about Rivers and Their Management? Analysis by Educational Stages and Territories
R Ladrera, P Rodríguez-Lozano, I Verkaik, N Prat, JR Díez
Sustainability 12 (20), 8719, 2020
Adapting participatory processes in temporary rivers management
M Soria, N Bonada, A Ballester, I Verkaik, D Jordà-Capdevila, C Solà, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 120, 145-156, 2021
Effects of bushfire on macroinvertebrate communities in south-east Australian streams affected by a megadrought
I Verkaik, N Prat, M Rieradevall, P Reich, PS Lake
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (4), 359-369, 2013
Efectes del Canvi Ambiental en les comunitats d’organismes dels RIus MEDiterranis (CARIMED)
P Fortuño, N Bonada, N Prat, R Acosta, M Cañedo-Argüelles, D Castro, ...
Informe, 2017
Avaluació ecològica de diferents tractaments silvícoles de millora de la regeneració natural a zones afectades per incendi i sequeres extremes
JM Espelta, X Arnan, I Verkaik, L Guitart
Models silvícoles en boscos privats mediterranis. Colecció_Documents de …, 2008
Evaluación ecológica de diferentes tratamientos silvícolas de mejora de la regeneración natural en zonas afectadas por incendio y sequías extremas
JM Espelta, X Arnan, I Verkaik, L Guitart
Modelos silvícolas en montes privados mediterráneos 153, 2008
Effect of thinning and post-fire regeneration age on the reproductive characteristic of Pinus halepensis Mill.
I Verkaik, JM Espelta
II International Conference on Prevention strategies of fires in Southern …, 2005
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Articles 1–20