Heide Castaneda
Cited by
Cited by
Immigration as a social determinant of health
H Castaņeda, SM Holmes, DS Madrigal, MEDT Young, N Beyeler, ...
Annual review of public health 36 (1), 375-392, 2015
Representing the “European refugee crisis” in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death
SM Holmes, H Castaņeda
American ethnologist 43 (1), 12-24, 2016
Illegality as risk factor: a survey of unauthorized migrant patients in a Berlin clinic
H Castaņeda
Social science & medicine 68 (8), 1552-1560, 2009
Health care access for Latino mixed-status families: Barriers, strategies, and implications for reform
H Castaņeda, MA Melo
American Behavioral Scientist 58 (14), 1891-1909, 2014
Borders of belonging: Struggle and solidarity in mixed-status immigrant families
H Castaņeda
Stanford University Press, 2020
The routine and the traumatic in prenatal genetic diagnosis: does clinical information inform patient decision-making?
LM Hunt, KB de Voogd, H Castaņeda
Patient education and counseling 56 (3), 302-312, 2005
Special Issue Discourses of Displacement and Deservingness: Interrogating Distinctions between'Economic'and'Forced'Migration.
K Yarris, H Castaņeda
International Migration 53 (3), 2015
Im/migration and health: conceptual, methodological, and theoretical propositions for applied anthropology
H Castaņeda
Napa Bulletin 34 (1), 6-27, 2010
Paternity for sale: anxieties over “demographic theft” and undocumented migrant reproduction in Germany
H Castaņeda
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 22 (4), 340-359, 2008
CHapter 8 Deportation Deferred
H Castaņeda
The deportation regime: sovereignty, space, and the freedom of movement, 245, 2010
False hope: effects of social class and health policy on oral health inequalities for migrant farmworker families
H Castaņeda, IV Carrion, N Kline, DM Tyson
Social science & medicine 71 (11), 2028-2037, 2010
“Over-Foreignization” or “Unused Potential”? A critical review of migrant health in Germany and responses toward unauthorized migration
H Castaņeda
Social Science & Medicine 74 (6), 830-838, 2012
Medical aid as protest: Acts of citizenship for unauthorized im/migrants and refugees
H Castaņeda
Citizenship Studies 17 (2), 227-240, 2013
Take a stand commentary: how can medical anthropologists contribute to contemporary conversations on “illegal” im/migration and health?
SS Willen, J Mulligan, H Castaņeda
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 25 (3), 331-356, 2011
Addressing Health Disparities in the Rural United States: Advocacy as Caregiving among Community Health Workers and Promotores de Salud
RI Logan, H Castaņeda
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (24), 9223, 2020
Unequal Coverage
JM Mulligan, H Castaņeda
New York University Press, 2018
Structural vulnerability and access to medical care among migrant street-based male sex workers in Germany
H Castaņeda
Social Science & Medicine 84, 94-101, 2013
Developing a patient-centered outcome measure for complementary and alternative medicine therapies I: defining content and format
C Ritenbaugh, M Nichter, MA Nichter, KL Kelly, CM Sims, IR Bell, ...
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 11, 1-17, 2011
European mobilities or poverty migration? Discourses on Roma in Germany
H Castaņeda
International Migration 53 (3), 87-99, 2015
Deservingness: migration and health in social context
SM Holmes, E Castaņeda, J Geeraert, H Castaneda, U Probst, N Zeldes, ...
BMJ global health 6 (Suppl 1), e005107, 2021
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Articles 1–20