Gian-Claudia Sciara
Cited by
Cited by
Metropolitan transportation planning: Lessons from the past, institutions for the future
GC Sciara
Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (3), 262-276, 2017
Local climate action: Motives, enabling factors and barriers
D Salon, S Murphy, GC Sciara
Carbon Management 5 (1), 67-79, 2014
Unraveling equity in HOT lane planning: A view from practice
A Weinstein, GC Sciara
Journal of Planning Education and Research 26 (2), 174-184, 2006
A guide for HOT lane development
BG Perez, GC Sciara, B Parsons
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2002
Travel attitudes, the built environment and travel behavior relationships: Causal insights from social psychology theories
M Rahman, GC Sciara
Transport policy 123, 44-54, 2022
Metropolitan transportation funding: Prospects, progress, and practical considerations
GC Sciara, M Wachs
Public Works Management & Policy 12 (1), 378-394, 2007
Implementing regional smart growth without regional authority: The limits of information for nudging local land use
GC Sciara
Cities 103, 102661, 2020
Measuring the impacts of local land-use policies on vehicle miles of travel: The case of the first big-box store in Davis, California
K Lovejoy, GC Sciara, D Salon, S Handy, P Mokhtarian
Journal of Transport and Land Use 6 (1), 25-39, 2013
Mitigating environmental impacts in advance: Evidence of cost and time savings for transportation projects
GC Sciara, J Bjorkman, E Stryjewski, JH Thorne
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50, 316-326, 2017
Assessing the equity implications of HOT lanes
A Weinstein, GC Sciara
A Report Prepared for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, 2004
Financing congressional earmarks: Implications for transport policy and planning
GC Sciara
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (8), 1328-1342, 2012
Planning for Unplanned Pork: the consequences of congressional earmarking for regional transportation planning
GC Sciara
Journal of the American Planning Association 78 (3), 239-255, 2012
Peering inside the pork barrel: A study of congressional earmarking in transportation
GC Sciara
Public Works Management & Policy 17 (3), 217-237, 2012
The impacts of big box retail on downtown: A case study of Target in Davis (CA)
GC Sciara, K Lovejoy, S Handy
Journal of the American Planning Association 84 (1), 45-60, 2018
The salience of megaregional geographies for inter-metropolitan transportation planning and policy making
M Oden, GC Sciara
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 80, 102262, 2020
Saving money when safeguarding species and habitats: Conventional vs. advance land acquisition for transportation mitigation
GC Sciara, E Stryjewski
Research in Transportation Economics 52, 100-110, 2015
Task 2 Report: Setting the Stage for Statewide Advance Mitigaiton in California
GC Sciara, J Bjorkman, J Lederman, JH Thorne, M Schlotterbeck, ...
Experimentation and innovation in advance mitigation: lessons from California
GC Sciara, J Bjorkman, J Lederman, M Schlotterbeck, JH Thorne, ...
Transportation Research Record 2502 (1), 144-153, 2015
Cultivating cooperation without control: A study of California’s MPO-driven smart growth programs
GC Sciara, S Handy
Allocating transportation revenues to support climate policies in California and beyond
GC Sciara, AE Lee
California Journal of Politics and Policy 10 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20