YunHee Kang
YunHee Kang
Baekseok University
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Extended model design for quality factor based web service management
YH Kang
Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007) 2, 484-487, 2007
An empirical study of a trustworthy cloud common data model using decentralized identifiers
Y Kang, J Cho, YB Park
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 8984, 2021
Performance evaluation of mapreduce applications on cloud computing environment, futuregrid
Y Kang, GC Fox
Grid and Distributed Computing: International Conference, GDC 2011, Held as …, 2011
Pet shop recommendation system based on implicit feedback
H Choi, Y Kang, M Kang
Journal of Digital Contents Society 18 (8), 1561-1566, 2017
Performance Evaluation of the SSD based on DRAM Storage System IOPS
YH Kang, JH Yoo, SK Cheong
Korean information technical academic society dissertation 7 (1), 265-272, 2009
A unified framework for u-edutainment development of using e-learning and ubiquitous technologies
SH Jang, B Kye, YH Kang
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 10th …, 2006
Docker based computation off-loading for video game based mobile VR framework
Y Kang, HJ Kim, JJ Kang
2017 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service …, 2017
The performance evaluation of k-means by two MapReduce frameworks, Hadoop vs. Twister
Y Kang, YB Park
2015 international conference on information networking (icoin), 405-406, 2015
An empirical study of Hadoop application running on private cloud environment
Y Kang, KW Kang
Adv Sci Technol Lett 35, 70-73, 2013
Construction of a MapReduce application running on twister in cloud computing environments, futuregrid
YH Kang
Journal of KIIT 9 (4), 147-154, 2011
빅데이터 처리를 위한 과학클라우드
YH Kang
Review of Korea Contents Association 11 (1), 40-45, 2013
Sensory Data Processing by Using Hadoop Framework
YH Kang, MG Hong
Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology 11 (2), 169-174, 2012
New approach to the platform for the application development on the Internet of Things environment
Y Kang
Journal of Platform Technology 3 (1), 21-27, 2015
An Empirical Study for Handling Scientific Datasets
Y Kang, H Choi
International Journal of Grid and Distributed computing 5 (3), 111-120, 2012
EDA Based Data Analysis for Environmental Monitoring
MW Hong, YH Kang
Journal of Digital Contents Society 23 (7), 1289-1295, 2022
Secure delivery scheme of common data model for decentralized cloud platforms
JH Cho, Y Kang, YB Park
Applied Sciences 10 (20), 7134, 2020
EDA system for manufacturing industries in IIoT environment
Y Kang
Journal of Platform Technology 4 (3), 8-15, 2016
MapReduce based Scientific Data Experiment Framework for Transforming Data Set
Y Kang, H Choi
NGCIT, 2012
XML schema design for web service quality management
SH Nam, YH Kang
2008 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and …, 2008
Representative term based feature selection method for SVM based document classification
YH Kang
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 9th …, 2005
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Articles 1–20