Roxana Borquez Gonzalez
Cited by
Cited by
High mountain areas
R Hock, G Rasul, C Adler, B Cáceres, S Gruber, Y Hirabayashi, ...
IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate, 131-202, 2019
Scale, urban risk and adaptation capacity in neighborhoods of Latin American cities
P Romero-Lankao, S Hughes, H Qin, J Hardoy, A Rosas-Huerta, ...
Habitat International 42, 224-235, 2014
Institutional capacity for climate change responses: an examination of construction and pathways in Mexico City and Santiago
P Romero-Lankao, S Hughes, A Rosas-Huerta, R Borquez, DM Gnatz
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31 (5), 785-805, 2013
Resilience to climate change: from theory to practice through co-production of knowledge in Chile
R Borquez, P Aldunce, C Adler
Sustainability Science 12 (1), 163-176, 2017
CE Adler, P Aldunce, K Indvik, D Alegría, R Borquez, V Galaz
Research handbook on climate governance, 491-502, 2015
Pollution and its Impacts on the South American Cryosphere
LT Molina, L Gallardo, M Andrade, D Baumgardner, M Borbor‐Córdova, ...
Earth's Future 3 (12), 345-369, 2015
Glaciares chilenos: reservas estratégicas de agua dulce: para la sociedad, los ecosistemas y la economía
R Bórquez, S Larrain, R Polanco, JC Urquidi
Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura, 2006
Multilevel governance and institutional capacity for climate change responses in Latin American cities
P Romero-Lankao, J Hardoy, S Hughes, A Rosas-Huerta, R Bórquez, ...
The urban climate challenge: Rethinking the role of cities in the global …, 2015
Unpacking Resilience for Adaptation: Incorporating Practitioners’ Experiences through a Transdisciplinary Approach to the Case of Drought in Chile
P Aldunce, R Bórquez, C Adler, G Blanco, R Garreaud
Sustainability 8 (9), 905, 2016
Análisis del Escenario actual de los Glaciares de Montaña en Chile desde la mirada de la Seguridad Ecológica
R Bórquez
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero en Recursos Naturales …, 2007
Resilience in the context of climate change: a systematic review of the literature to aid a navigation of diversity
P Aldunce, K Indvik, R Borquez, C Adler, V Galaz
Center for Climate and Resilience Research, University of Chile, Santiago, 2014
Interfaz ciencia-políticas públicas en Chile: una mirada a la investigación en cambio climático
R Borquéz González
Revista Colombiana de Sociología 40 (2), 311-332, 2017
Identificación de actores relacionados a la sequía en Chile
P Aldunce, R Bórquez, K Indvik, G Lillo
Resilience in the context of climate change: structuring diversity through a systematic review of the literature
P Aldunce, K Indvik, R Borquez, C Adler, V Galaz
CR2: Santiago, Chile, 2014
Energy and Water Policies in Chile, Two Different Endings with Implications in the Water-Energy Nexus
R Bórquez, R Fuster
Energies 14 (11), 3286, 2021
Energy policies in Chile: the deliberative turn in a post-dictatorship democracy
R Bórquez
King's College London, 2021
Evaluación de término del Plan de Acción Nacional de Cambio Climático 2008–2016
P Aldunce, F Bello, R Bórquez, ML Farah, I Echeverría, K Indvik, G Lillo, ...
Santiago, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente 240, 2014
Cuencas hidrográficas: el flujo del agua como delimitación territorial
G Azócar, M Billi, R Bórquez
El Mostrador, 0
The role of institutions in the resolution of water conflict. Adaptive conflict resolution, vulnerability and adaptive capacity.
A Rojas, B Reyes, L Magzul, HL Morales, R Borquez, E Swartz
Brecha entre la Investigación Científica y las Políticas Públicas en Chile, el Caso de la Investigación Relacionada con el Cambio Climático
RE Bórquez González
Universidad de Chile, 2011
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Articles 1–20