Robert J. McGaughey
Robert J. McGaughey
Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
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Estimating forest canopy fuel parameters using LIDAR data
HE Andersen, RJ McGaughey, SE Reutebuch
Remote sensing of Environment 94 (4), 441-449, 2005
FUSION/LDV: Software for LIDAR Data Analysis and Visualization
RJ McGaughey, 0
Accuracy of a high-resolution lidar terrain model under a conifer forest canopy
SE Reutebuch, RJ McGaughey, HE Andersen, WW Carson
Canadian journal of remote sensing 29 (5), 527-535, 2003
Light detection and ranging (LIDAR): an emerging tool for multiple resource inventory
SE Reutebuch, HE Andersen, RJ McGaughey
Journal of forestry 103 (6), 286-292, 2005
A rigorous assessment of tree height measurements obtained using airborne lidar and conventional field methods
HE Andersen, SE Reutebuch, RJ McGaughey
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (5), 355-366, 2006
Tree species differentiation using intensity data derived from leaf-on and leaf-off airborne laser scanner data
S Kim, RJ McGaughey, HE Andersen, G Schreuder
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (8), 1575-1586, 2009
Comparisons between field-and LiDAR-based measures of stand structural complexity
VR Kane, RJ McGaughey, JD Bakker, RF Gersonde, JA Lutz, JF Franklin
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (4), 761-773, 2010
Visualizing forest stand dynamics using the stand visualization system
RJ McGaughey
Proceedings of the 1997 ACSM/ASPRS annual convention and exposition 4, 248-257, 1997
Estimating forest biomass and identifying low-intensity logging areas using airborne scanning lidar in Antimary State Forest, Acre State, Western Brazilian Amazon
MVN d'Oliveira, SE Reutebuch, RJ McGaughey, HE Andersen
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 479-491, 2012
Mixed severity fire effects within the Rim fire: Relative importance of local climate, fire weather, topography, and forest structure
VR Kane, CA Cansler, NA Povak, JT Kane, RJ McGaughey, JA Lutz, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 358, 62-79, 2015
Assessing fire effects on forest spatial structure using a fusion of Landsat and airborne LiDAR data in Yosemite National Park
VR Kane, MP North, JA Lutz, DJ Churchill, SL Roberts, DF Smith, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 89-101, 2014
Landscape-scale effects of fire severity on mixed-conifer and red fir forest structure in Yosemite National Park
VR Kane, JA Lutz, SL Roberts, DF Smith, RJ McGaughey, NA Povak, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 287, 17-31, 2013
Examining conifer canopy structural complexity across forest ages and elevations with LiDAR data
VR Kane, JD Bakker, RJ McGaughey, JA Lutz, RF Gersonde, JF Franklin
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (4), 774-787, 2010
Monitoring selective logging in western Amazonia with repeat lidar flights
HE Andersen, SE Reutebuch, RJ McGaughey, MVN d'Oliveira, M Keller
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 157-165, 2014
FUSION/LDV: Software for LIDAR Data Analysis and Visualization; USDA Forest Service
RJ McGaughey
Pacific Northwest Research Station, 28-30, 2007
Applying LiDAR individual tree detection to management of structurally diverse forest landscapes
SMA Jeronimo, VR Kane, DJ Churchill, RJ McGaughey, JF Franklin
Journal of Forestry 116 (4), 336-346, 2018
A comparison of statistical methods for estimating forest biomass from light detection and ranging data
Y Li, HE Andersen, R McGaughey
Western Journal of Applied Forestry 23 (4), 223-231, 2008
FUSION/LDV: Software for LIDAR Data Analysis and Visualization - Version 3.50
RJ McGaughey
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research …, 2015
Interpretation and topographic compensation of conifer canopy self-shadowing
VR Kane, AR Gillespie, R McGaughey, JA Lutz, K Ceder, JF Franklin
Remote sensing of Environment 112 (10), 3820-3832, 2008
Techniques for visualizing the appearance of forestry operations
RJ McGaughey
Journal of forestry 96 (6), 9-14, 1998
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Articles 1–20