Stephanie A. Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Efficacy of food safety training in commercial food service
P McFarland, A Checinska Sielaff, B Rasco, S Smith
Journal of food science 84 (6), 1239-1246, 2019
Food Safety Interventions to Control Listeria monocytogenes in the Fresh Apple Packing Industry: A Review
E Pietrysiak, S Smith, GM Ganjyal
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 18 (6), 1705-1726, 2019
Bactericidal activity of neutral electrolyzed water against Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens in cell suspensions and artificially inoculated onto the surface of …
HM Al-Qadiri, S Smith, AC Sielaff, BN Govindan, M Ziyaina, N Al-Alami, ...
Food control 96, 212-218, 2019
Identification and characterization of early mission phase microorganisms residing on the Mars Science Laboratory and assessment of their potential to survive Mars-like conditions
SA Smith, JN Benardini III, D Anderl, M Ford, E Wear, M Schrader, ...
Astrobiology 17 (3), 253-265, 2017
Habitability of mars: How welcoming are the surface and subsurface to life on the red planet?
A Checinska Sielaff, SA Smith
Geosciences 9 (9), 361, 2019
Diversity of aerobic and facultative alkalitolerant and halotolerant endospore formers in soil from the Alvord Basin, Oregon
SA Smith, JN Benardini III, JL Strap, RL Crawford
Systematic and applied microbiology 32 (4), 233-244, 2009
Washington State University
SA Smith
United States, 2007
Assessing consumer food safety education needs across the state of Washington: Implications for nationwide extension programming
SA Smith, M Rachmat, R Beck, AC Sielaff
Journal of Food Safety 39 (2), e12613, 2019
Pathogenicity, Toxin Production, Control and Detection of Bacillus cereus
B Mohammadi, N Gorkina, SA Smith
Foodborne Pathogens-Recent Advances in Control and Detection, 2022
Are we alone? The search for life on Mars and other planetary bodies
SA Smith, A Paszczynski, SE Childers
Into Space—A Journey of How Humans Adapt and Live in Microgravity …, 2018
Profiling toxin genes and antibiotic resistance in Bacillus cereus isolated from pre-launch spacecraft
B Mohammadi, N Gorkina, ME Pérez-Reyes, SA Smith
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1231726, 2023
Peaches: Value-added food products
SA Smith, IG Medina-Meza, GM Ganjyal
Washington State University Extension, 2017
There Are Dangers Lurking in Your Flour
SA Smith, R Beck
Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing, 2022
Identifying Training Needs in Washington through Insights from Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training.
C Murphy, C Fisk, K Ullmann, C Blood, S Smith
Food Protection Trends 44 (5), 2024
Survival, Growth, and Toxin Production of Bacillus cereus During Cooking and Storage of Fresh Rice Noodles
B Mohammadi, MEP Reyes, SA Smith
Journal of Food Protection 87 (3), 100239, 2024
Mung bean protein enhances the expansion of corn starch during twin‐screw extrusion
J Bernin, P Watanabe, CE Wagner, S Smith, GM Ganjyal
Journal of Food Science, 2024
Proper egg handling: from farm or grocery store to table
S Smith, R Beck
Washington State University Extension, 2022
Starting a community gleaning program
C Rome, L Ryser, K Brailey, S Truett, SA Smith
Washington State University Extension, 2020
Consumer Food Safety Education Needs across the State of Washington
S Smith, M Rachmat, R Beck
IAFP 2018 Annual Meeting, 2018
What you need to know about botulism and canned foods
SA Smith, R Beck
Washington State University Extension, 2017
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Articles 1–20