Mark E. Swanson
Mark E. Swanson
Associate Professor, Oregon State University
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Cited by
The forgotten stage of forest succession: early‐successional ecosystems on forest sites
ME Swanson, JF Franklin, RL Beschta, CM Crisafulli, DA DellaSala, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (2), 117-125, 2011
Global importance of large‐diameter trees
JA Lutz, TJ Furniss, DJ Johnson, SJ Davies, D Allen, A Alonso, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 849-864, 2018
Ecological importance of large-diameter trees in a temperate mixed-conifer forest
JA Lutz, AJ Larson, ME Swanson, JA Freund
PloS one 7 (5), e36131, 2012
Capturing tree crown formation through implicit surface reconstruction using airborne lidar data
A Kato, LM Moskal, P Schiess, ME Swanson, D Calhoun, W Stuetzle
Remote sensing of Environment 113 (6), 1148-1162, 2009
The importance of large-diameter trees to forest structural heterogeneity
JA Lutz, AJ Larson, JA Freund, ME Swanson, KJ Bible
PloS one 8 (12), e82784, 2013
Spatial aspects of tree mortality strongly differ between young and old‐growth forests
AJ Larson, JA Lutz, DC Donato, JA Freund, ME Swanson, ...
Ecology 96 (11), 2855-2861, 2015
Spatially nonrandom tree mortality and ingrowth maintain equilibrium pattern in an old‐growth Pseudotsuga–Tsuga forest
JA Lutz, AJ Larson, TJ Furniss, DC Donato, JA Freund, ME Swanson, ...
Ecology 95 (8), 2047-2054, 2014
Effects of remedial sport hunting on cougar complaints and livestock depredations
KA Peebles, RB Wielgus, BT Maletzke, ME Swanson
PLoS one 8 (11), e79713, 2013
Post-fire logging debate ignores many issues
DA DellaSala, JR Karr, T Schoennagel, D Perry, RF Noss, D Lindenmayer, ...
Science 314 (5796), 51-52, 2006
Biological associates of early-seral pre-forest in the Pacific Northwest
ME Swanson, NM Studevant, JL Campbell, DC Donato
Forest Ecology and Management 324, 160-171, 2014
Larger trees suffer most during drought in forests worldwide, Nat. Plants, 1, 15139
AC Bennett, NG McDowell, CD Allen, KJ Anderson-Teixeira, KE Trenberth, ...
Fixing a snag in carbon emissions estimates from wildfires
JE Stenzel, KJ Bartowitz, MD Hartman, JA Lutz, CA Kolden, AMS Smith, ...
Global change biology 25 (11), 3985-3994, 2019
Post-fire morel (Morchella) mushroom abundance, spatial structure, and harvest sustainability
AJ Larson, CA Cansler, SG Cowdery, S Hiebert, TJ Furniss, ME Swanson, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 377, 16-25, 2016
Investigating the influence of LiDAR ground surface errors on the utility of derived forest inventories
WT Tinkham, AMS Smith, C Hoffman, AT Hudak, MJ Falkowski, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (3), 413-422, 2012
Effects of hunting on cougar spatial organization
BT Maletzke, R Wielgus, GM Koehler, M Swanson, H Cooley, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (11), 2178-2185, 2014
Linking ecology and aesthetics in sustainable agricultural landscapes: Lessons from the Palouse region of Washington, USA
LR Klein, WG Hendrix, VI Lohr, JB Kaytes, RD Sayler, ME Swanson, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 134, 195-209, 2015
Evaluating Integrated Watershed Management using multiple criteria analysis—a case study at Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh
S Biswas, H Vacik, ME Swanson, SMS Haque
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184, 2741-2761, 2012
Modeling the effects of alternative management strategies on forest carbon in the Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego, Chile
ME Swanson
Forest ecology and management 257 (8), 1740-1750, 2009
Testing conceptual models of early plant succession across a disturbance gradient
CC Chang, CB Halpern, JA Antos, ML Avolio, A Biswas, JE Cook, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (2), 517-530, 2019
Newman Lake restoration: a case study Part III. Hypolimnetic oxygenation
BC Moore, BK Cross, M Beutel, S Dent, E Preece, M Swanson
Lake and Reservoir Management 28 (4), 311-327, 2012
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Articles 1–20