Elena del Val
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Cited by
An artificial intelligence tool for heterogeneous team formation in the classroom
JM Alberola, E Del Val, V Sanchez-Anguix, A Palomares, MD Teruel
Knowledge-Based Systems 101, 1-14, 2016
Enhancing the privacy risk awareness of teenagers in online social networks through soft-paternalism mechanisms
J Alemany, E Del Val, J Alberola, A García-Fornes
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 129, 27-40, 2019
Designing a goal-oriented smart-home environment
J Palanca, E Val, A Garcia-Fornes, H Billhardt, JM Corchado, V Julián
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 125-142, 2018
Enhancing decentralized service discovery in open service-oriented multi-agent systems
E Del Val, M Rebollo, V Botti
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 28, 1-30, 2014
A multi-agent system for the dynamic emplacement of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E Del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Applied Sciences 8 (2), 313, 2018
Estimation of privacy risk through centrality metrics
J Alemany, E del Val, J Alberola, A García-Fornes
Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 63-76, 2018
A Review of Privacy Decision-making Mechanisms in Online Social Networks
J Alemany, E Del Val, A García-Fornes
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (2), 1-32, 2022
Does the type of event influence how user interactions evolve on Twitter?
E del Val, M Rebollo, V Botti
PLOS one 10 (5), e0124049, 2015
Metrics for privacy assessment when sharing information in online social networks
J Alemany, E Del Val, JM Alberola, A Garćia-Fornes
IEEE Access 7, 143631-143645, 2019
Localization of charging stations for electric vehicles using genetic algorithms
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Neurocomputing 452, 416-423, 2021
Combination of self-organization mechanisms to enhance service discovery in open systems
E del Val, M Rebollo, V Botti
Information Sciences 279, 138-162, 2014
Using genetic algorithms to optimize the location of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
International Joint Conference SOCO’18-CISIS’18-ICEUTE’18: San Sebastián …, 2019
Simulating a collective intelligence approach to student team formation
JM Alberola, E Del Val, V Sanchez-Anguix, V Julian
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 8th International Conference, HAIS …, 2013
Assessing the effectiveness of a gamified social network for applying privacy concepts: an empirical study with teens
J Alemany, E Del Val, A Garcia-Fornes
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (4), 777-789, 2020
Service-oriented framework for virtual organizations
E Del Val, N Criado, M Rebollo, E Argente, V Julian
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) 1, 108-114, 2009
A general framework for testing different student team formation strategies
JM Alberola, E del Val, V Sanchez-Anguix, V Julián
Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning: 6th …, 2016
A formal model based on game theory for the analysis of cooperation in distributed service discovery
G Martínez-Cánovas, E Del Val, V Botti, P Hernández, M Rebollo
Information Sciences 326, 59-70, 2016
Normative emotional agents: a viewpoint paper
E Argente, E Del Val, D Perez-Garcia, V Botti
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (3), 1254-1273, 2020
Empowering users regarding the sensitivity of their data in social networks through nudge mechanisms
J Alemany, E Del Val, A García-Fornes
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2020
A team formation tool for educational environments
E Del Val, JM Alberola, V Sanchez-Anguix, A Palomares, MD Teruel
Trends in Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems. The …, 2014
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Articles 1–20