Christopher Siviy
Christopher Siviy
Harvard University John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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Assistance magnitude versus metabolic cost reductions for a tethered multiarticular soft exosuit
BT Quinlivan, S Lee, P Malcolm, DM Rossi, M Grimmer, C Siviy, ...
Sci Robot 2 (2), 4416, 2017
A biologically-inspired multi-joint soft exosuit that can reduce the energy cost of loaded walking
FA Panizzolo, I Galiana, AT Asbeck, C Siviy, K Schmidt, KG Holt, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13 (1), 43, 2016
Effect of timing of hip extension assistance during loaded walking with a soft exosuit
Y Ding, FA Panizzolo, C Siviy, P Malcolm, I Galiana, KG Holt, CJ Walsh
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13 (1), 87, 2016
A lightweight and efficient portable soft exosuit for paretic ankle assistance in walking after stroke
J Bae, C Siviy, M Rouleau, N Menard, K O'Donnell, I Geliana, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2820-2827, 2018
IMU-based iterative control for hip extension assistance with a soft exosuit
Y Ding, I Galiana, C Siviy, FA Panizzolo, C Walsh
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3501-3508, 2016
Offline Assistance Optimization of a Soft Exosuit for Augmenting Ankle Power of Stroke Survivors During Walking
C Siviy, J Bae, L Baker, F Porciuncula, T Baker, TD Ellis, LN Awad, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 828-835, 2020
Metabolic cost adaptations during training with a soft exosuit assisting the hip joint
FA Panizzolo, GM Freisinger, N Karavas, AM Eckert-Erdheim, C Siviy, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9779, 2019
Varying negative work assistance at the ankle with a soft exosuit during loaded walking
P Malcolm, S Lee, S Crea, C Siviy, F Saucedo, I Galiana, FA Panizzolo, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14 (1), 62, 2017
Modular, wireless, drug simulant injection sensor system and methods of employing
JT Samosky, CJ Siviy, MJ Randazzo, RJ Van Ham, AI Kashkoush, ...
US Patent App. 14/689,758, 2015
Lower limb biomechanical analysis during an unanticipated step on a bump reveals specific adaptations of walking on uneven terrains
FA Panizzolo, S Lee, T Miyatake, DM Rossi, C Siviy, J Speeckaert, ...
Journal of experimental biology 220 (22), 4169-4176, 2017
Continuous sweep versus discrete step protocols for studying effects of wearable robot assistance magnitude
P Malcolm, DM Rossi, C Siviy, S Lee, BT Quinlivan, M Grimmer, CJ Walsh
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14 (1), 72, 2017
Comparison of Ankle Moment Inspired and Ankle Positive Power Inspired Controllers for a Multi-Articular Soft Exosuit for Walking Assistance
M Grimmer, BT Quinlivan, S Lee, P Malcolm, DM Rossi, C Siviy, CJ Walsh
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends, 337-341, 2017
Biomechanical analysis and inertial sensing of ankle joint while stepping on an unanticipated bump
T Miyatake, S Lee, I Galiana, DM Rossi, C Siviy, FA Panizzolo, CJ Walsh
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends, 343-347, 2017
Soft exosuits increase walking speed and distance after stroke
LN Awad, J Bae, K O'Donnell, KL Hendron, L Sloot, C Siviy, P Kudzia, ...
2017 International Symposium on Wearable Robotics and Rehabilitation (WeRob …, 2017
Evaluation of a multi-joint soft exosuit for gait assistance
FA Panizzolo, I Galiana, AT Asbeck, K Schmidt, C O’Neill, F Saucedo, ...
International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM), 2015
Metabolic cost adaptation during training with a soft exosuit assisting the hip joint
GM Freisinger, F Panizzolo, N Karavas, A Eckert-Erdheim, C Siviy, A Long, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
J Bae, C Siviy, M Rouleau, N Menard, K O'Donnell, I Geliana
Lower limb biomechanical analysis of unanticipated step on a bump
S Lee, FA Panizzolo, T Miyatake, DM Rossi, C Siviy, CJ Walsh
Multi-articular soft exosuit continually reduces the metabolic cost of unloaded walking with increased assistance magnitude
BT Quinlivan, S Lee, P Malcolm, DM Rossi, M Grimmer, C Siviy, C Walsh
Study of the contribution of negative work assistance at the ankle with a multi-articular soft exosuit during loaded walking
P Malcolm, S Lee, S Crea, C Siviy, F Saucedo, I Galiana, FA Panizzolo, ...
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Articles 1–20