Lisa Schweitzer
Cited by
Cited by
Neighborhood air quality, respiratory health, and vulnerable populations in compact and sprawled regions
L Schweitzer, J Zhou
Journal of the American Planning Association 76 (3), 363-371, 2010
Planning and social media: a case study of public transit and stigma on Twitter
L Schweitzer
Journal of the American Planning Association 80 (3), 218-238, 2014
Environmental injustice and transportation: the claims and the evidence
L Schweitzer, A Valenzuela Jr
Journal of planning literature 18 (4), 383-398, 2004
Environmental justice in transportation planning
DJ Forkenbrock, LA Schweitzer
Journal of the American Planning Association 65 (1), 96-112, 1999
Right answers, wrong questions: Environmental justice as urban research
L Schweitzer, M Stephenson Jr
Urban studies 44 (2), 319-337, 2007
Just pricing: the distributional effects of congestion pricing and sales taxes
L Schweitzer, BD Taylor
Transportation 35, 797-812, 2008
Camionetas: Informal travel among immigrants
A Valenzuela Jr, L Schweitzer, A Robles
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 39 (10), 895-911, 2005
Charting the challenges and paradoxes of constructivism: A view from professional education
L Schweitzer, M Stephenson
Teaching in Higher Education 13 (5), 583-593, 2008
Using GIS to assess the environmental justice consequences of transportation system changes
J Chakraborty, LA Schweitzer, DJ Forkenbrock
Transactions in GIS 3 (3), 239-258, 1999
Analysis of child pick-up during daily routines and for daytime no-notice evacuations
S Liu, P Murray-Tuite, L Schweitzer
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 46 (1), 48-67, 2012
Assessing the experience of mandated collaborative inter-jurisdictional transport planning in the United States
BD Taylor, L Schweitzer
Transport policy 12 (6), 500-511, 2005
Community characteristics associated with elder abuse
GJ Jogerst, JD Dawson, AJ Hartz, JW Ely, LA Schweitzer
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 48 (5), 513-518, 2000
Incorporating household gathering and mode decisions in large‐scale no‐notice evacuation modeling
S Liu, P Murray‐Tuite, L Schweitzer
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 29 (2), 107-122, 2014
Jobs/housing balance and employer-based travel demand management program returns to scale: Evidence from Los Angeles
J Zhou, Y Wang, L Schweitzer
Transport Policy 20, 22-35, 2012
Environmental justice and hazmat transport: A spatial analysis in southern California
L Schweitzer
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 11 (6), 408-421, 2006
Planners learning and creating power: A community of practice approach
LA Schweitzer, EJ Howard, I Doran
Journal of Planning Education and Research 28 (1), 50-60, 2008
Getting drivers to switch: transit price and service quality among commuters
J Zhou, L Schweitzer
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 137 (4), 477-483, 2011
Restorative planning ethics: The therapeutic imagination and planning in public institutions
L Schweitzer
Planning Theory 15 (2), 130-144, 2016
Environmental justice and transportation investment policy
D Forkenbrock, L Schweitzer
Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Office of Investment Management, 1997
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0: Four Reasons Why AICP Needs an Open Data Ethic
LA Schweitzer, N Afzalan
Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (2), 161-167, 2017
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