Stephen Kofi Diko
Cited by
Cited by
Physical vulnerability and local responses to flood damage in peri-urban areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh
MN Fatemi, SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Kita, M Shimoda, S Matsubara
Sustainability 12 (10), 3957, 2020
Integrated community-based approaches to urban pluvial flooding research, trends and future directions: A review
K Azizi, SK Diko, L Saija, MG Zamani, CI Meier
Urban Climate 44, 101237, 2022
Planning for informal urban green spaces in African cities: children’s perception and use in peri-urban areas of Luanda, Angola
ELJ Pedrosa, SA Okyere, LK Frimpong, SK Diko, TS Commodore, M Kita
Urban Science 5 (3), 50, 2021
An urban “mixity”: Spatial dynamics of social interactions and human behaviors in the Abese informal quarter of La Dadekotopon, Ghana
SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Hiraoka, M Kita
Urban Science 1 (2), 13, 2017
Multi-level climate governance in Bangladesh via climate change mainstreaming: lessons for local climate action in Dhaka city
MN Fatemi, SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Kita
Urban Science 4 (2), 24, 2020
Are local development plans mainstreaming climate-smart agriculture? A mixed-content analysis of medium-term development plans in semi-arid Ghana
SK Diko, SA Okyere, S Opoku Mensah, A Ahmed, O Yamoah, M Kita
Socio-Ecological Practice Research 3 (2), 185-206, 2021
Urban planning as a career preference for students: Efforts to improve awareness about the profession
D Palazzo, L Hollstein, SK Diko
Planning Practice & Research 36 (2), 174-192, 2021
Institutional barriers to urban greenspace planning in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
SK Diko, D Palazzo
Urban Forum 30 (3), 357-376, 2019
Actor‐network analysis of community‐based organisations in health pandemics: evidence from the COVID‐19 response in Freetown, Sierra Leone
LK Frimpong, SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Abunyewah, MO Erdiaw‐Kwasie, ...
Disasters 46 (4), 903-927, 2022
Flooding in mega-cities: using structural equation modeling to assess flood impact in Dhaka
MN Fatemi, SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Abunyewah, M Kita, T Rahman
International journal of disaster resilience in the built environment 12 (5 …, 2021
An assessment of the Kwabre district mutual health insurance scheme in Ghana
D Adei, VO Kwadwo, SK Diko, S An
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 4 (5), 372-382, 2012
Situating everyday urban struggles within the context of the SDGs in an informal settlement in Accra, Ghana
SA Okyere, LK Frimpong, SK Diko, M Abunyewah, M Kita
Sustainable urban futures in Africa, 265-287, 2021
Toward citizen-led planning for climate change adaptation in Urban Ghana: Hints from Japanese ‘Machizukuri’activities
SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Abunyewah, M Kita
The geography of climate change adaptation in Urban Africa, 391-419, 2019
Flooding in informal communities: Residents’ response strategies to flooding and their sustainability implications in Old Fadama, Accra
M Abunyewah, SA Okyere, SK Diko, M Kita, MO Erdiaw-Kwasie, ...
Disaster Risk Reduction for resilience: Disaster risk management strategies …, 2022
The sea defense project in the Ada East District and its implications for climate change policy implementation in Ghana’s Peri-Urban Areas
KN Owusu-Daaku, SK Diko
Urban Perspectives, 28, 2017
Prioritization of climate change adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers in semi-arid savannah agro-ecological zones: insights from the Talensi District, Ghana
S Opoku Mensah, TA Akanpabadai, SK Diko, SA Okyere, C Benamba
Journal of Social and Economic Development 25 (1), 232-258, 2023
In search of place and life in indigenous urban communities: an exploration of Abese indigenous quarter of La Dadekotopon, Accra
M Kita, SA Okyere, M Sugita, SK Diko
The Challenge of African Potentials: Conviviality, Informality and Futurity …, 2020
Toward integration: managing the divergence between national climate change interventions and urban planning in Ghana
SK Diko
Smart, resilient and transition cities: emerging approaches and tools for a …, 2018
Fire risk communication in the urban informal sector: Evidence from traditional marketplaces in Accra, Ghana
M Abunyewah, SA Okyere, LK Frimpong, SK Diko, MO Erdiaw‐Kwasie, ...
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 14 (4), 297-320, 2023
The moderating role of Covid-19-related support on urban livelihood capitals: Evidence from suburban Accra
SA Okyere, LK Frimpong, M Abunyewah, SK Diko, MN Fatemi, ...
Urban Governance 3 (3), 228-242, 2023
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Articles 1–20