Kirralie Houghton
Cited by
Cited by
Urban acupuncture: Hybrid social and technological practices for hyperlocal placemaking
K Houghton, M Foth, E Miller
Journal of Urban Technology 22 (3), 3-19, 2015
Integrating ICT into the planning process: impacts, opportunities and challenges
K Houghton, E Miller, M Foth
Australian Planner 51 (1), 24-33, 2014
The continuing relevance of the library as a third place for users and non-users of IT: the case of Canada Bay
K Houghton, M Foth, E Miller
The australian library journal 62 (1), 27-39, 2013
Working from the other office: Trialling Co‐Working spaces for public servants
KR Houghton, M Foth, G Hearn
Australian Journal of Public Administration 77 (4), 757-778, 2018
Neo-planning: Location-based social media to engage Australia's new digital locals
R Schroeter, K Houghton
Australian Planner 48 (3), 191-202, 2011
Augmenting public urban spaces: the impact of the digital future on the design of public urban spaces
K Houghton
Utopia 2010 PIA Queensland State Planning Conference, 19-23, 2010
The local library across the digital and physical city: Opportunities for economic development
K Houghton
Commonwealth journal of local governance, 39-60, 2014
The impact of libraries as creative spaces
B Light, K Houghton, J Burgess, H Klaebe, R Osborne, S Cunningham, ...
QUT Digital Media Research Centre, 2016
From the guest editors: urban acupuncture
K Houghton, JH Choi, A Lugmayr
Journal of Urban Technology 22 (3), 1-2, 2015
Understanding the implications of digital interactions on the design of public urban spaces
KR Houghton
Queensland University of Technology, 2014
Appropriating digital technologies for urban planning: information and communication tools
K Houghton, I Miller, M Foth
Australian Planner, 2013
Creativity, knowledge, engagement: Keys to finding the right governance model for a regional community precinct
K Houghton, M Foth, G Hearn
Proceedings of the MediaCity Conference 2010: 3rd International Conference …, 2010
Evaluating the impact of the First 5 Forever Initiative
J Burgess, K Houghton, M Dezuanni
QUT Digital Media Research Centre, 2017
Stakeholder engagement in Kelvin Grove Urban Village
K Houghton, M Guaralda, G Caldwell, S Mayere, T Yigitcanlar, R Medland
Queensland University of Technology, 2016
Queensland Government flexible work centres trial
K Houghton, M Foth, G Hearn
QUT Urban Informatics/Smart Services CRC, 2015
Second International Workshop on (Re) Creating Lively Cities through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture and Gastronomic Experiences
A Lugmayr, JHJ Choi, K Houghton
14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), 784, 2013
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on (Re) Creating Lively Cities Through Ambient Technology in Arts, Culture and Gastronomic Experiences, Cape Town, South Africa, 2.-6.9. 2013
A Lugmayr, JHJ Choi, K Houghton
Congress papers from the Planning Institute of Australia 2011 National Congress
C Miller, R Schroeter, K Houghton, P Mees, P Jones, C Attwater
Australian Planner 48 (3), 183-236, 2011
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K Houghton, M Foth, E Miller
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K Houghton, E Miller, M Foth
Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance 15, 39-60, 0
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