Gillian K. Hadfield
Gillian K. Hadfield
Johns Hopkins University, Dept of Computer Science and School of Government and Policy
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Cited by
Problematic relations: Franchising the law of incomplete contracts
GK Hadfield
Stan. L. Rev. 42, 927, 1989
The price of law: how the market for lawyers distorts the justice system
GK Hadfield
Michigan Law Review 98 (4), 953-1006, 2000
Toward trustworthy AI development: mechanisms for supporting verifiable claims
M Brundage, S Avin, J Wang, H Belfield, G Krueger, G Hadfield, H Khlaaf, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07213, 2020
Bias in the evolution of legal rules
GK Hadfield
Geo. Lj 80, 583, 1991
Where have all the trials gone? Settlements, nontrial adjudications, and statistical artifacts in the changing disposition of federal civil cases
GK Hadfield
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 1 (3), 705-734, 2004
Legal barriers to innovation: The growing economic cost of professional control over corporate legal markets
GK Hadfield
Stan. L. Rev. 60, 1689, 2007
What is law? A coordination model of the characteristics of legal order
GK Hadfield, BR Weingast
Journal of Legal Analysis 4 (2), 471-514, 2012
Cooperative AI: machines must learn to find common ground
A Dafoe, Y Bachrach, G Hadfield, E Horvitz, K Larson, T Graepel
Nature 593 (7857), 33-36, 2021
Judicial competence and the interpretation of incomplete contracts
GK Hadfield
The Journal of Legal Studies 23 (1), 159-184, 1994
Higher demand, lower supply-a comparative assessment of the legal resource landscape for ordinary Americans
GK Hadfield
Fordham Urb. LJ 37, 129, 2010
Information-based principles for rethinking consumer protection policy
GK Hadfield, R Howse, MJ Trebilcock
Journal of Consumer Policy 21 (2), 131-169, 1998
Weighing the value of vagueness: An economic perspective on precision in the law
GK Hadfield
Cal L. Rev. 82, 541, 1994
Rules for a Flat World
GK Hadfield
Oxford University Press, 2016
The many legal institutions that support contractual commitments
GK Hadfield
Handbook of new institutional economics, 175-203, 2005
Microfoundations of the Rule of Law
GK Hadfield, BR Weingast
Annual Review of Political Science 17 (1), 21-42, 2014
Expressive Theory of Contract: From Feminist Dilemmas to a Reconceptualization of Rational Choice in Contract Law
GK Hadfield
U. Pa. L. Rev. 146, 1235, 1997
Law without the state: legal attributes and the coordination of decentralized collective punishment
GK Hadfield, BR Weingast
Journal of Law and Courts 1 (1), 3-34, 2013
Framing the choice between cash and the courthouse: Experiences with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
GK Hadfield
Law & Society Review 42 (3), 645-682, 2008
Exploring economic and democratic theories of civil litigation: Differences between individual and organizational litigants in the disposition of federal civil cases
GK Hadfield
Stan. L. Rev. 57, 1275, 2004
The economics of copyright: An historical perspective
GK Hadfield
Copyright L. Symp. 38, 1, 1988
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Articles 1–20