Durbha Sai Ramesh
Durbha Sai Ramesh
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
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Coseismic and early postseismic deformation due to the 25 April 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake from InSAR and GPS measurements
KM Sreejith, PS Sunil, R Agrawal, AP Saji, DS Ramesh, AS Rajawat
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (7), 3160-3168, 2016
Receiver function analysis of the North American crust and upper mantle
DS Ramesh, R Kind, X Yuan
Geophysical Journal International 150 (1), 91-108, 2002
Shear wave anisotropy of the northeast Indian lithosphere
A Singh, MR Kumar, PS Raju, DS Ramesh
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (16), 2006
Audit of stored strain energy and extent of future earthquake rupture in central Himalaya
KM Sreejith, PS Sunil, R Agrawal, AP Saji, AS Rajawat, DS Ramesh
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16697, 2018
The devastating Muzaffarabad earthquake of 8 October 2005: New insights into Himalayan seismicity and tectonics
NP Rao, P Kumar, T Tsukuda, DS Ramesh
Gondwana Research 9 (4), 365-378, 2006
Moho geometry and upper mantle images of northeast India
DS Ramesh, M Ravi Kumar, E Uma Devi, P Solomon Raju, X Yuan
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (14), 2005
Seismic observation of narrow plumes in the oceanic upper mantle
X Li, R Kind, X Yuan, SV Sobolev, W Hanka, DS Ramesh, Y Gu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (6), 2003
Crustal structure variations in northeast India from converted phases
MR Kumar, PS Raju, EU Devi, J Saul, DS Ramesh
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (17), 2004
Images of possible fossil collision structures beneath the Eastern Ghats belt, India, from P and S receiver functions
DS Ramesh, MB Bianchi, SD Sharma
Lithosphere 2 (2), 84-92, 2010
Crustal structure and upper mantle stratigraphy of the Arabian shield
MR Kumar, DS Ramesh, J Saul, D Sarkar, R Kind
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (8), 130-1-130-4, 2002
High velocity anomaly beneath the Deccan volcanic province: Evidence from seismic tomography
HM Iyer, VK Gaur, SS Rai, DS Ramesh, CVR Rao, D Srinagesh, ...
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Earth and Planetary Sciences …, 1989
The 25 April 2015 Nepal Earthquake: Investigation of precursor in VLF subionospheric signal
AK Maurya, K Venkatesham, P Tiwari, K Vijaykumar, R Singh, AK Singh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (10), 10,403-10,416, 2016
Post-seismic ionospheric response to the 11 April 2012 East Indian Ocean doublet earthquake
AS Sunil, MS Bagiya, CD Reddy, M Kumar, DS Ramesh
Earth, Planets and Space 67, 1-12, 2015
Diminishing activity of recent solar cycles (22–24) and their impact on geospace
B Kakad, A Kakad, DS Ramesh, GS Lakhina
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 9, A1, 2019
Imaging mantle lithosphere for diamond prospecting in southeast India
SD Sharma, DS Ramesh
Lithosphere 5 (4), 331-342, 2013
Propagation of crustal-waveguide-trapped Pg and seismic velocity structure in the South Indian Shield
VG Krishna, DS Ramesh
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 90 (5), 1281-1294, 2000
High-velocity anomaly under the Deccan volcanic province
DS Ramesh, D Srinagesh, SS Rai, KS Prakasam, VK Gaur
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors 77 (3-4), 285-296, 1993
Evidence for thick continental roots beneath South Indian Shield
D Srinagesh, SS Rai, DS Ramesh, VK Gaur, CVR Rao
Geophysical Research Letters 16 (9), 1055-1058, 1989
Rupture histories of two stable continental region earthquakes of India
DS Ramesh, CH Estabrook
Journal of Earth System Science 107 (3), L225-L233, 1998
Receiver function images of the central Chugoku region in the Japanese islands using Hi-net data
DS Ramesh, H Kawakatsu, S Watada, X Yuan
Earth, planets and space 57, 271-280, 2005
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Articles 1–20