Perceived criminality, criminal background checks, and the racial hiring practices of employers HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll The Journal of Law and Economics 49 (2), 451-480, 2006 | 586 | 2006 |
Will Employers Hire Ex-Offenders? Employer Checks, Background Checks, and Their HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll Info:, 2001 | 402 | 2001 |
Why are so many Americans in prison? S Raphael, MA Stoll Russell Sage Foundation, 2013 | 393* | 2013 |
Employment barriers facing ex-offenders HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll Urban Institute Reentry Roundtable 1, 23, 2003 | 387 | 2003 |
Barriers to reentry?: The labor market for released prisoners in post-industrial America SD Bushway, MA Stoll, D Weiman Russell Sage Foundation, 2007 | 255 | 2007 |
Can boosting minority car-ownership rates narrow inter-racial employment gaps?[with comments] S Raphael, MA Stoll, KA Small, C Winston Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 99-145, 2001 | 248 | 2001 |
The effect of an applicant’s criminal history on employer hiring decisions and screening practices: Evidence from Los Angeles HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll Barriers to reentry 4 (15), 117-150, 2007 | 241 | 2007 |
The effect of criminal background checks on hiring ex‐offenders MA Stoll, SD Bushway Criminology & Public Policy 7 (3), 371-404, 2008 | 237 | 2008 |
Race, neighborhood poverty, and participation in voluntary associations MA Stoll Sociological Forum 16, 529-557, 2001 | 202 | 2001 |
Black job applicants and the hiring officer's race MA Stoll, S Raphael, HJ Holzer ILR Review 57 (2), 267-287, 2004 | 201 | 2004 |
Assessing the contribution of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill to growth in the US incarceration rate S Raphael, MA Stoll The Journal of Legal Studies 42 (1), 187-222, 2013 | 191 | 2013 |
Within cities and suburbs: Racial residential concentration and the spatial distribution of employment opportunities across sub‐metropolitan areas MA Stoll, HJ Holzer, KR Ihlanfeldt Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2000 | 176 | 2000 |
Spatial job search, spatial mismatch, and the employment and wages of racial and ethnic groups in Los Angeles MA Stoll Journal of Urban Economics 46 (1), 129-155, 1999 | 138 | 1999 |
Job performance and retention among welfare recipients HJ Holzer, MA Stoll, D Wissoker Social Service Review 78 (3), 343-369, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Job sprawl and the suburbanization of poverty S Raphael, MA Stoll Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Modest progress: The narrowing spatial mismatch between blacks and jobs in the 1990s S Raphael, MA Stoll Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, 2002 | 119 | 2002 |
Job sprawl and the spatial mismatch between blacks and jobs MA Stoll Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program, 2005 | 116 | 2005 |
Racial differences in spatial job search patterns: Exploring the causes and consequences MA Stoll, S Raphael Economic Geography 76 (3), 201-223, 2000 | 115 | 2000 |
Employer demand for ex-offenders: Recent evidence from Los Angeles HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003 | 113 | 2003 |
How willing are employers to hire ex-offenders HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll Focus 23 (2), 40-43, 2004 | 111 | 2004 |