Michael A Stoll
Michael A Stoll
Professor of Public Policy, UCLA
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Cited by
Perceived criminality, criminal background checks, and the racial hiring practices of employers
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
The Journal of Law and Economics 49 (2), 451-480, 2006
Will Employers Hire Ex-Offenders? Employer Checks, Background Checks, and Their
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
Info:, 2001
Why are so many Americans in prison?
S Raphael, MA Stoll
Russell Sage Foundation, 2013
Employment barriers facing ex-offenders
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
Urban Institute Reentry Roundtable 1, 23, 2003
Barriers to reentry?: The labor market for released prisoners in post-industrial America
SD Bushway, MA Stoll, D Weiman
Russell Sage Foundation, 2007
Can boosting minority car-ownership rates narrow inter-racial employment gaps?[with comments]
S Raphael, MA Stoll, KA Small, C Winston
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 99-145, 2001
The effect of an applicant’s criminal history on employer hiring decisions and screening practices: Evidence from Los Angeles
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
Barriers to reentry 4 (15), 117-150, 2007
The effect of criminal background checks on hiring ex‐offenders
MA Stoll, SD Bushway
Criminology & Public Policy 7 (3), 371-404, 2008
Race, neighborhood poverty, and participation in voluntary associations
MA Stoll
Sociological Forum 16, 529-557, 2001
Black job applicants and the hiring officer's race
MA Stoll, S Raphael, HJ Holzer
ILR Review 57 (2), 267-287, 2004
Assessing the contribution of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill to growth in the US incarceration rate
S Raphael, MA Stoll
The Journal of Legal Studies 42 (1), 187-222, 2013
Within cities and suburbs: Racial residential concentration and the spatial distribution of employment opportunities across sub‐metropolitan areas
MA Stoll, HJ Holzer, KR Ihlanfeldt
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2000
Spatial job search, spatial mismatch, and the employment and wages of racial and ethnic groups in Los Angeles
MA Stoll
Journal of Urban Economics 46 (1), 129-155, 1999
Job performance and retention among welfare recipients
HJ Holzer, MA Stoll, D Wissoker
Social Service Review 78 (3), 343-369, 2004
Job sprawl and the suburbanization of poverty
S Raphael, MA Stoll
Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, 2010
Modest progress: The narrowing spatial mismatch between blacks and jobs in the 1990s
S Raphael, MA Stoll
Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, 2002
Job sprawl and the spatial mismatch between blacks and jobs
MA Stoll
Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program, 2005
Racial differences in spatial job search patterns: Exploring the causes and consequences
MA Stoll, S Raphael
Economic Geography 76 (3), 201-223, 2000
Employer demand for ex-offenders: Recent evidence from Los Angeles
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
How willing are employers to hire ex-offenders
HJ Holzer, S Raphael, MA Stoll
Focus 23 (2), 40-43, 2004
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Articles 1–20