Jochen Menges
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When job performance is all relative: How family motivation energizes effort and compensates for intrinsic motivation
JI Menges, DV Tussing, A Wihler, AM Grant
Academy of Management Journal 60 (2), 695-719, 2017
The microfoundations of organizational social networks: A review and an agenda for future research
S Tasselli, M Kilduff, JI Menges
Journal of Management 41 (5), 1361-1387, 2015
Strategic use of emotional intelligence in organizational settings: Exploring the dark side
M Kilduff, DS Chiaburu, JI Menges
Research in organizational behavior 30, 129-152, 2010
Getting explicit about the implicit: A taxonomy of implicit measures and guide for their use in organizational research
EL Uhlmann, K Leavitt, JI Menges, J Koopman, M Howe, RE Johnson
Organizational Research Methods 15 (4), 553-601, 2012
Transformational leadership climate: Performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level
JI Menges, F Walter, B Vogel, H Bruch
The leadership quarterly 22 (5), 893-909, 2011
Group emotions: Cutting the Gordian knots concerning terms, levels of analysis, and processes
JI Menges, M Kilduff
Academy of Management Annals 9 (1), 845-928, 2015
Charisma and organizational change: A multilevel study of perceived charisma, commitment to change, and team performance
C Nohe, B Michaelis, JI Menges, Z Zhang, K Sonntag
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (2), 378-389, 2013
Highly engaged but burned out: intra-individual profiles in the US workforce
J Moeller, Z Ivcevic, AE White, JI Menges, MA Brackett
Career Development International 23 (1), 86-105, 2018
The meaning of my feelings depends on who I am: Work-related identifications shape emotion effects in organizations
SA Conroy, WJ Becker, JI Menges
Academy of Management Journal 60 (3), 1071-1093, 2017
It pays to have an eye for emotions: Emotion recognition ability indirectly predicts annual income
T Momm, G Blickle, Y Liu, A Wihler, M Kholin, JI Menges
Journal of Organizational Behavior 36 (1), 147-163, 2015
Younger supervisors, older subordinates: An organizational‐level study of age differences, emotions, and performance
F Kunze, JI Menges
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (4), 461-486, 2017
The leader-in-social-network schema: Perceptions of network structure affect gendered attributions of charisma
RA Brands, JI Menges, M Kilduff
Organization Science 26 (4), 1210-1225, 2015
The acceleration trap
H Bruch, J Menges
Harvard Business School, Publishing Corporation, 2010
Between home and work: Commuting as an opportunity for role transitions
JM Jachimowicz, JL Cunningham, BR Staats, F Gino, JI Menges
Organization Science 32 (1), 64-85, 2021
The Ohio vaccine lottery and starting vaccination rates
ME Brehm, PA Brehm, M Saavedra
American Journal of Health Economics 8 (3), 387-411, 2022
Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity
Z Ivcevic, J Moeller, J Menges, M Brackett
The Journal of Creative Behavior 55 (1), 79-91, 2021
Organizational affective tone: A meso perspective on the origins and effects of consistent affect in organizations
AP Knight, JI Menges, H Bruch
Academy of Management Journal 61 (1), 191-219, 2018
The awestruck effect: Followers suppress emotion expression in response to charismatic but not individually considerate leadership
JI Menges, M Kilduff, S Kern, H Bruch
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (4), 626-640, 2015
Biological implicit measures in HRM and OB: A question of how not if
WJ Becker, JI Menges
Human Resource Management Review 23 (3), 219-228, 2013
Predicting individual-level income from Facebook profiles
SC Matz, JI Menges, DJ Stillwell, HA Schwartz
PloS one 14 (3), e0214369, 2019
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Articles 1–20