Abhirup Datta
Abhirup Datta
Associate Professor, Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
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Hierarchical nearest-neighbor Gaussian process models for large geostatistical datasets
A Datta, S Banerjee, AO Finley, AE Gelfand
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 (514), 800-812, 2016
A case study competition among methods for analyzing large spatial data
MJ Heaton, A Datta, AO Finley, R Furrer, J Guinness, R Guhaniyogi, ...
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 24, 398-425, 2019
Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions
EE *Butler, A *Datta, H Flores-Moreno, M Chen, KR Wythers, F Fazayeli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201708984, 2017
Efficient algorithms for Bayesian nearest neighbor Gaussian processes
AO Finley, A Datta, BD Cook, DC Morton, HE Andersen, S Banerjee
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 28 (2), 401-414, 2019
Non-separable Dynamic Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models for Large spatio-temporal Data With an Application to Particulate Matter Analysis
A Datta, S Banerjee, AO Finley, NAS Hamm, M Schaap
Annals of Applied Statistics 10 (3), 1286-1316, 2016
CoCoLasso for High-dimensional Error-in-variables Regression
A Datta, H Zou
Annals of Statistics 45 (6), 2400-2426, 2017
On nearest‐neighbor Gaussian process models for massive spatial data
A Datta, S Banerjee, AO Finley, AE Gelfand
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 8 (5), 162-171, 2016
Robustness of trait connections across environmental gradients and growth forms
H Flores‐Moreno, F Fazayeli, A Banerjee, A Datta, J Kattge, EE Butler, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (12), 1806-1826, 2019
Random Forests for Spatially Dependent Data
A Saha, S Basu, A Datta
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2023
A space-based observational strategy for characterizing the first stars and galaxies using the redshifted 21 cm global spectrum
JO Burns, R Bradley, K Tauscher, S Furlanetto, J Mirocha, R Monsalve, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 844 (1), 33, 2017
Spatial disease mapping using directed acyclic graph auto-regressive (DAGAR) models
A Datta, S Banerjee, JS Hodges, L Gao
Bayesian Analysis, 2019
Methods for analyzing large spatial data: A review and comparison
MJ Heaton, A Datta, A Finley, R Furrer, R Guhaniyogi, F Gerber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.05013 22, 2017
Spatial factor models for high-dimensional and large spatial data: An application in forest variable mapping
D Taylor-Rodriguez, AO Finley, A Datta, C Babcock, HE Andersen, ...
Statistica Sinica 29, 1155, 2019
Statistical field calibration of a low-cost PM2. 5 monitoring network in Baltimore
A Datta, A Saha, ML Zamora, C Buehler, L Hao, F Xiong, DR Gentner, ...
Atmospheric Environment 242, 117761, 2020
Practical Bayesian modeling and inference for massive spatial data sets on modest computing environments
L Zhang, A Datta, S Banerjee
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 12 (3 …, 2019
spNNGP R package for nearest neighbor Gaussian process models
AO Finley, A Datta, S Banerjee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.09111, 2020
BRISC: bootstrap for rapid inference on spatial covariances
A Saha, A Datta
Stat 7 (1), e184, 2018
Applying nearest neighbor Gaussian processes to massive spatial data sets forest canopy height prediction across Tanana Valley Alaska
AO Finley, A Datta, BC Cook, DC Morton, HE Andersen, S Banerjee
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00434 7, 2017
nnSVG for the scalable identification of spatially variable genes using nearest-neighbor Gaussian processes
LM Weber, A Saha, A Datta, KD Hansen, SC Hicks
Nature communications 14 (1), 4059, 2023
Graphical Gaussian process models for highly multivariate spatial data
D Dey, A Datta, S Banerjee
Biometrika 109 (4), 993-1014, 2022
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Articles 1–20