Roberta Piredda
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Cited by
Diversity and temporal patterns of planktonic protist assemblages at a Mediterranean Long Term Ecological Research site
R Piredda, MP Tomasino, AM D'erchia, C Manzari, G Pesole, M Montresor, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 93 (1), fiw200, 2017
Prospects of barcoding the Italian wild dendroflora: oaks reveal severe limitations to tracking species identity
R Piredda, MC Simeone, M Attimonelli, R Bellarosa, B Schirone
Molecular ecology resources 11 (1), 72-83, 2011
HmtDB, a genomic resource for mitochondrion-based human variability studies
F Rubino, R Piredda, FM Calabrese, D Simone, M Lang, C Calabrese, ...
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D1150-D1159, 2012
Application of plastid and nuclear markers to DNA barcoding of Euro-Mediterranean oaks (Quercus, Fagaceae): problems, prospects and phylogenetic implications
MC Simeone, R Piredda, A Papini, F Vessella, B Schirone
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172 (4), 478-499, 2013
Plastome data reveal multiple geographic origins of Quercus Group Ilex
MC Simeone, GW Grimm, A Papini, F Vessella, S Cardoni, E Tordoni, ...
On the possible relationship between Kober stem grooving and grapevine virus A.
R Garau, VA Prota, R Piredda, D Boscia, U Prota
Development of a passive sampling technique for the determination of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide in ambient air
F DeSantis, I Allegrini, MC Fazio, D Pasella, R Piredda
ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 346 (1), 127-134, 1997
Validation of DNA barcoding as an efficient tool for taxon identification and detection of species diversity in Italian conifers
L Armenise, MC Simeone, R Piredda, B Schirone
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 1337-1353, 2012
Diatom diversity through HTS-metabarcoding in coastal European seas
R Piredda, JM Claverie, J Decelle, C de Vargas, M Dunthorn, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 18059, 2018
Comparative systematics and phylogeography of Quercus Section Cerris in western Eurasia: inferences from plastid and nuclear DNA variation
MC Simeone, S Cardoni, R Piredda, F Imperatori, M Avishai, GW Grimm, ...
PeerJ 6, e5793, 2018
Profile of microbial communities on carbonate stones of the medieval church of San Leonardo di Siponto (Italy) by Illumina-based deep sequencing
G Chimienti, R Piredda, G Pepe, ID van der Werf, L Sabbatini, C Crecchio, ...
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100, 8537-8548, 2016
Large scale patterns of marine diatom richness: Drivers and trends in a changing ocean
G Busseni, L Caputi, R Piredda, P Fremont, B Hay Mele, L Campese, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2020
dinoref: A curated dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae) reference database for the 18S rRNA gene
S Mordret, R Piredda, D Vaulot, M Montresor, WHCF Kooistra, D Sarno
Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (5), 974-987, 2018
Taxus baccata in the Azores: a relict form at risk of imminent extinction
B Schirone, RC Ferreira, F Vessella, A Schirone, R Piredda, MC Simeone
Biodiversity and Conservation 19 (6), 1547-1565, 2010
Resolving cryptic species complexes in marine protists: phylogenetic haplotype networks meet global DNA metabarcoding datasets
D De Luca, R Piredda, D Sarno, WHCF Kooistra
The ISME journal 15 (7), 1931-1942, 2021
Annotated 18S and 28S rDNA reference sequences of taxa in the planktonic diatom family Chaetocerotaceae
CC Gaonkar, R Piredda, C Minucci, DG Mann, M Montresor, D Sarno, ...
PLoS One 13 (12), e0208929, 2018
Global distribution and diversity of Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae): integration of classical and novel strategies
D De Luca, WHCF Kooistra, D Sarno, CC Gaonkar, R Piredda
PeerJ 7 (e7410),, 2019
Determining the authenticity of shark meat products by DNA sequencing
P Marchetti, A Mottola, R Piredda, G Ciccarese, A Di Pinto
Foods 9 (9), 1194, 2020
Distribution, community composition, and potential metabolic activity of bacterioplankton in an urbanized Mediterranean Sea coastal zone
K Richa, C Balestra, R Piredda, V Benes, M Borra, A Passarelli, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 83 (17), e00494-17, 2017
Diatom resting stages in surface sediments: A pilot study comparing Next Generation Sequencing and Serial Dilution Cultures
R Piredda, D Sarno, CB Lange, MP Tomasino, A Zingone, M Montresor
Cryptogamie, Algologie 38 (1), 31-46, 2017
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Articles 1–20