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Cited by
Object-based detailed vegetation classification with airborne high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
Q Yu, P Gong, N Clinton, G Biging, M Kelly, D Schirokauer
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72 (7), 799-811, 2006
A comparison of distance-dependent competition measures for height and basal area growth of individual conifer trees
GS Biging, M Dobbertin
Forest science 38 (3), 695-720, 1992
Evaluation of competition indices in individual tree growth models
GS Biging, M Dobbertin
Forest science 41 (2), 360-377, 1995
Comparison of IKONOS and QuickBird images for mapping mangrove species on the Caribbean coast of Panama
L Wang, WP Sousa, P Gong, GS Biging
Remote sensing of environment 91 (3-4), 432-440, 2004
Estimation of forest leaf area index using vegetation indices derived from Hyperion hyperspectral data
P Gong, R Pu, GS Biging, MR Larrieu
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 41 (6), 1355-1362, 2003
Individual tree-crown delineation and treetop detection in high-spatial-resolution aerial imagery
L Wang, P Gong, GS Biging
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (3), 351-357, 2004
Efficient corn and soybean mapping with temporal extendability: A multi-year experiment using Landsat imagery
L Zhong, P Gong, GS Biging
Remote Sensing of Environment 140, 1-13, 2014
Detection of individual trees and estimation of tree height using LiDAR data
DA Kwak, WK Lee, JH Lee, GS Biging, P Gong
Journal of Forest Research 12, 425-434, 2007
Modeling conifer tree crown radius and estimating canopy cover
SJ Gill, GS Biging, EC Murphy
Forest ecology and management 126 (3), 405-416, 2000
Extraction of red edge optical parameters from Hyperion data for estimation of forest leaf area index
R Pu, P Gong, GS Biging, MR Larrieu
IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 41 (4), 916-921, 2003
Detailed dynamic land cover mapping of Chile: Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data
Y Zhao, D Feng, L Yu, X Wang, Y Chen, Y Bai, HJ Hernández, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 183, 170-185, 2016
Automated mapping of soybean and corn using phenology
L Zhong, L Hu, L Yu, P Gong, GS Biging
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 119, 151-164, 2016
Accuracy assessment of remote sensing-derived change detection
S Khorram, G Biging, N Chrisman, D Colby, RG Congalton, J Dobson, ...
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1999
Taper equations for second-growth mixed conifers of Northern California
GS Biging
Forest Science 30 (4), 1103-1117, 1984
Effects of wind velocity and slope on flame properties
DR Weise, GS Biging
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (10), 1849-1858, 1996
Fuzzy classification systems
A Amo, J Montero, G Biging, V Cutello
European Journal of Operational Research 156 (2), 495-507, 2004
A qualitative comparison of fire spread models incorporating wind and slope effects
DR Weise, GS Biging
Forest Science 43 (2), 170-180, 1997
The first all-season sample set for mapping global land cover with Landsat-8 data
C Li, P Gong, J Wang, Z Zhu, GS Biging, C Yuan, T Hu, H Zhang, Q Wang, ...
Science Bulletin 62 (7), 508-515, 2017
Climate change impacts on forest growth and tree mortality: a data-driven modeling study in the mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada, California
JJ Battles, T Robards, A Das, K Waring, JK Gilless, G Biging, F Schurr
Climatic change 87, 193-213, 2008
Improved estimates of site index curves using a varying-parameter model
GS Biging
Forest Science 31 (1), 248-259, 1985
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Articles 1–20