James A. LaGro Jr.
James A. LaGro Jr.
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison / Editor-in-Chief, Landscape Journal
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Cited by
Assessment of low impact development for managing stormwater with changing precipitation due to climate change
C Pyke, MP Warren, T Johnson, J LaGro Jr, J Scharfenberg, P Groth, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 103 (2), 166-173, 2011
Site analysis: Linking program and concept in land planning and design
JA LaGro
John Wiley & Sons, 2001
Assessing patch shape in landscape mosaics
J LaGro
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 57 (3), 285-293, 1991
Benefits and risks of genetic engineering in agriculture
D Pimentel, MS Hunter, JA LaGro, RA Efroymson, JC Landers, FT Mervis, ...
BioScience 39 (9), 606-614, 1989
Site analysis: Informing context-sensitive and sustainable site planning and design
JA LaGro Jr
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Land use dynamics within an urbanizing non-metropolitan county in New York State (USA)
JA LaGro Jr, SD DeGloria
Landscape ecology 7 (4), 275-289, 1992
Research capacity: A matter of semantics?
JA LaGro
Landscape Journal 18 (2), 179-186, 1999
Designing without nature: unsewered residential development in rural Wisconsin
JA LaGro Jr
Landscape and Urban Planning 35 (1), 1-9, 1996
Land-use classification
JA LaGro
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, 321-328, 2005
Landscape context of rural residential development in southeastern Wisconsin (USA)
JA LaGro
Landscape Ecology 13, 65-77, 1998
Population growth beyond the urban fringe: implications for rural land use policy
JA LaGro Jr
Landscape and Urban Planning 28 (2-3), 143-158, 1994
Assessing local planning capacity to promote environmentally sustainable residential development
ZA Göçmen, JA LaGro Jr
Journal of environmental planning and management 59 (8), 1513-1535, 2016
Adapting to climate change: Why adaptation policy is more difficult than we think (and what to do about it)
L Gilbert, J LaGro Jr, P Nowak, J Sullivan
Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation Working Group Report, 2010
Exurban housing development, onsite wastewater disposal, and groundwater vulnerability within a changing policy context
JA LaGro Jr, BT Vowels, B Vondra
Landscape and Urban Planning 167, 60-71, 2017
Research note: Development of a comprehensive plan scorecard for healthy, active rural communities
LM Charron, HR Joyner, J LaGro Jr, JG Walker
Landscape and Urban Planning 190, 103582, 2019
Urban open space systems: Multifunctional infrastructure
JA LaGro
The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience, 71-82, 2019
Developing a strategy menu for community-level obesity prevention
C Spahr, A Wells, B Christens, E Pollard, J LaGro
Wisconsin Medical Journal 115 (5), 264-268, 2016
Population deconcentration and land use change within a non-metropolitan county in New York State
JA LaGro Jr
Cornell University, 1991
Rutherford H. Platt, 2004. Land use and society: geography, law, and public policy, Island Press, Washington, DC, USA. 472 pp., illus., maps; Cloth, ISBN: 1-55963-684-X, US 75 …
J LaGro
Landscape Ecology 22 (4), 633-634, 2007
Private Sewage System Installation and Land Use Change in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
JA LaGro
Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Natural Resources …, 1994
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Articles 1–20