Alemayehu N Ayana
Alemayehu N Ayana
Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute
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Cited by
Deforestation and forest degradation as an environmental behavior: unpacking realities shaping community actions
LA Duguma, J Atela, PA Minang, AN Ayana, B Gizachew, JM Nzyoka, ...
Land 8 (2), 26, 2019
Performance of participatory forest management in Ethiopia: institutional arrangement versus local practices
AN Ayana, N Vandenabeele, B Arts
Critical Policy Studies 11 (1), 19-38, 2017
Historical development of forest policy in Ethiopia: Trends of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization
AN Ayana, B Arts, KF Wiersum
Land use policy 32, 186-196, 2013
Community forestry frameworks in sub-Saharan Africa and the impact on sustainable development
LA Duguma, J Atela, AN Ayana, D Alemagi, M Mpanda, M Nyago, ...
Ecology and Society 23 (4), 2018
How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semi-authoritarian’state: The case of forest policy in Ethiopia
AN Ayana, B Arts, KF Wiersum
World Development 109, 313-322, 2018
Capital, labor, and gender: the consequences of large-scale land transactions on household labor allocation
R Hajjar, AN Ayana, R Rutt, O Hinde, C Liao, S Keene, S Bandiaky-Badji, ...
The Journal of Peasant Studies 47 (3), 566-588, 2020
Forest governance dynamics in Ethiopia: histories, arrangements, and practices
AN Ayana
PQDT-Global, 2014
Economic accounting of ethiopian forests: A natural capital approach
D Narita, M Lemenih, Y Shimoda, AN Ayana
Forest Policy and Economics 97, 189-200, 2018
Operational large-area land-cover mapping: an Ethiopia case study
R Khatami, J Southworth, C Muir, T Caughlin, AN Ayana, DG Brown, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (6), 954, 2020
Willingness to pay for forest conservation: Evidence from a contingent valuation survey analysis in Southwest Ethiopia
D Abdeta, AN Ayana, Y Bekele
Global Ecology and Conservation 46, e02551, 2023
Toward an accounting of the values of Ethiopian forests as natural capital
D Narita, M Lemenih, Y Shimoda, AN Ayana
Innovation pathways in the coffee sector in Ethiopia and Kenya
LA Duguma, K Muthee, S Carsan, J Muriuki, BJ Bulitta, AN Ayana, ...
Tree Commodities and Resilient Green Economies in Africa. World Agroforestry …, 2021
The current practices and gaps in forest accounting system of Ethiopia: a review
HA Yadeta, AN Ayana
Res. J. Financ Account. 11 (19), 2020
Performance of participatory forest management in Ethiopia: institutional arrangement versus local practices, Critical Policy Studies, 11: 1, 19-38
AN Ayana, N Vandenabeele, B Arts
DOI 10 (19460171.2015), 1024703, 2017
Comparative Economic Analysis of Three Competing Land Use Types in Southern Ethiopia: Tools for Informed Decision-Making on Land Use Choices
AN Ayana, LT Lejissa
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 9 (1), 37-45, 2018
Opportunities and challenges for enhancing small-scale timber production and marketing in Africa
A Ayana
Tree commodities and resilient green economies in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya …, 2021
Gendered impacts of large-scale land acquisitions in Western Ethiopia
RF Hajjar, R Rutt, E Mulu, A Ayana, C Liao, A Agrawal
Washington, DC: Rights and Resources Initiative, 2017
Socio-economic impacts of community-based rehabilitated degraded lands in Tigray, Ethiopia
W Hailu, A Belachew, G Girma, AN Ayana, A Ferede
Current Information and Technologies on the Environment and Forest, 322, 2021
Impacts of policy and legal framework on sustainable forest governance in Ethiopia
AN Ayana
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 11 (5), 2020
Socio-economic Impacts of Community-based Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands: Evidence from North Showa Zone, Oromia-Ethiopia
A Ferede, A Ayana
Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI) 5 (2), 147-157, 2024
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Articles 1–20