Philippe Drobinski
Philippe Drobinski
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace - Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique
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SIRTA, a ground-based atmospheric observatory for cloud and aerosol research
M Haeffelin, L Barthès, O Bock, C Boitel, S Bony, D Bouniol, H Chepfer, ...
Annales Geophysicae 23 (2), 253-275, 2005
Heatwave classification over Europe and the Mediterranean region
M Stefanon, F D’Andrea, P Drobinski
Environmental Research Letters 7 (1), 014023, 2012
MED-CORDEX initiative for Mediterranean climate studies
PM Ruti, S Somot, F Giorgi, C Dubois, E Flaounas, A Obermann, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (7), 1187-1208, 2016
HyMeX: A 10-year multidisciplinary program on the Mediterranean water cycle
P Drobinski, V Ducrocq, P Alpert, E Anagnostou, K Béranger, M Borga, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (7), 1063-1082, 2014
HyMeX-SOP1: The field campaign dedicated to heavy precipitation and flash flooding in the northwestern Mediterranean
V Ducrocq, I Braud, S Davolio, R Ferretti, C Flamant, A Jansa, N Kalthoff, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (7), 1083-1100, 2014
The ESCOMPTE program: an overview
B Cros, P Durand, H Cachier, P Drobinski, E Fréjafon, C Kottmeier, ...
Atmospheric Research 69 (3-4), 241-279, 2004
STRAT: An automated algorithm to retrieve the vertical structure of the atmosphere from single-channel lidar data
Y Morille, M Haeffelin, P Drobinski, J Pelon
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24 (5), 761-775, 2007
Soil moisture-temperature feedbacks at meso-scale during summer heat waves over Western Europe
M Stéfanon, P Drobinski, F D’Andrea, C Lebeaupin-Brossier, S Bastin
Climate dynamics 42, 1309-1324, 2014
The urban boundary-layer field campaign in Marseille (UBL/CLU-ESCOMPTE): set-up and first results
PG Mestayer, P Durand, P Augustin, S Bastin, JM Bonnefond, B Bénech, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 114, 315-365, 2005
PARISFOG: Shedding new light on fog physical processes
M Haeffelin, T Bergot, T Elias, R Tardif, D Carrer, P Chazette, M Colomb, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 91 (6), 767-783, 2010
The structure of the near-neutral atmospheric surface layer
P Drobinski, P Carlotti, RK Newsom, RM Banta, RC Foster, ...
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (6), 699-714, 2004
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of the French Mediterranean climate: uncertainty assessment
M Vrac, P Drobinski, A Merlo, M Herrmann, C Lavaysse, L Li, S Somot
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (9), 2769-2784, 2012
Uncertainties in simulating regional climate of Southern Africa: sensitivity to physical parameterizations using WRF
J Crétat, B Pohl, Y Richard, P Drobinski
Climate dynamics 38, 613-634, 2012
Climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean basin–Current situation and risks for the future. First Mediterranean assessment report
B Azzopardi, MV Balzan, S Cherif, E Doblas-Miranda, M dos Santos, ...
MedECC, 2020
Scaling precipitation extremes with temperature in the Mediterranean: past climate assessment and projection in anthropogenic scenarios
P Drobinski, ND Silva, G Panthou, S Bastin, C Muller, B Ahrens, M Borga, ...
Climate dynamics 51, 1237-1257, 2018
Particulate contribution to extinction of visible radiation: pollution, haze, and fog
T Elias, M Haeffelin, P Drobinski, L Gomes, J Rangognio, T Bergot, ...
Atmospheric Research 92 (4), 443-454, 2009
Long-term study of coherent structures in the atmospheric surface layer
C Barthlott, P Drobinski, C Fesquet, T Dubos, C Pietras
Boundary-layer meteorology 125, 1-24, 2007
Statistical downscaling of near-surface wind over complex terrain in southern France
T Salameh, P Drobinski, M Vrac, P Naveau
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 103 (1), 253-265, 2009
Impact of the Rhône and Durance valleys on sea-breeze circulation in the Marseille area
S Bastin, P Drobinski, A Dabas, P Delville, O Reitebuch, C Werner
Atmospheric research 74 (1-4), 303-328, 2005
Hydromechanical modelling of pulse tests that measure fluid pressure and fracture normal displacement at the Coaraze Laboratory site, France
F Cappa, Y Guglielmi, J Rutqvist, CF Tsang, A Thoraval
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43 (7), 1062-1082, 2006
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Articles 1–20