Alessandro E. C. Redondi
Alessandro E. C. Redondi
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano
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Cited by
An integrated system based on wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring, localization and tracking
A Redondi, M Chirico, L Borsani, M Cesana, M Tagliasacchi
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (1), 39-53, 2013
A visual sensor network for parking lot occupancy detection in smart cities
L Baroffio, L Bondi, M Cesana, AE Redondi, M Tagliasacchi
2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 745-750, 2015
Evaluation of low-complexity visual feature detectors and descriptors
A Canclini, M Cesana, A Redondi, M Tagliasacchi, J Ascenso, R Cilla
2013 18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 1-7, 2013
Augmenting LoRaWAN performance with listen before talk
J Ortín, M Cesana, A Redondi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (6), 3113-3128, 2019
Compress-then-analyze vs. analyze-then-compress: Two paradigms for image analysis in visual sensor networks
A Redondi, L Baroffio, M Cesana, M Tagliasacchi
2013 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP …, 2013
Coding visual features extracted from video sequences
L Baroffio, M Cesana, A Redondi, M Tagliasacchi, S Tubaro
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 23 (5), 2262-2276, 2014
Mqtt-st: a spanning tree protocol for distributed mqtt brokers
E Longo, AEC Redondi, M Cesana, A Arcia-Moret, P Manzoni
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2020
Accurate occupancy estimation with WiFi and bluetooth/BLE packet capture
E Longo, AEC Redondi, M Cesana
Computer Networks 163, 106876, 2019
Rate-accuracy optimization of binary descriptors
A Redondi, L Baroffio, J Ascenso, M Cesano, M Tagliasacchi
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2910-2914, 2013
Joint application admission control and network slicing in virtual sensor networks
C Delgado, M Canales, J Ortín, JR Gállego, A Redondi, S Bousnina, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (1), 28-43, 2017
Experimental evaluation of a video streaming system for wireless multimedia sensor networks
S Paniga, L Borsani, A Redondi, M Tagliasacchi, M Cesana
2011 The 10th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, 165-170, 2011
LAURA—LocAlization and Ubiquitous monitoRing of pAtients for health care support
A Redondi, M Tagliasacchi, M Cesana, L Borsani, P Tarrío, F Salice
2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2010
Building up knowledge through passive WiFi probes
AEC Redondi, M Cesana
Computer Communications 117, 1-12, 2018
Compress-then-analyze versus analyze-then-compress: What is best in visual sensor networks?
A Redondi, L Baroffio, L Bianchi, M Cesana, M Tagliasacchi
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (12), 3000-3013, 2016
A hybrid BLE and Wi-Fi localization system for the creation of study groups in smart libraries
K Antevski, AEC Redondi, R Pitic
2016 9th IFIP wireless and mobile networking conference (WMNC), 41-48, 2016
Rate-accuracy optimization in visual wireless sensor networks
A Redondi, M Cesana, M Tagliasacchi
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1105-1108, 2012
Transfer learning for channel quality prediction
C Parera, AEC Redondi, M Cesana, Q Liao, I Malanchini
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), 1-6, 2019
How do ALOHA and listen before talk coexist in LoRaWAN?
J Ortín, M Cesana, A Redondi
2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2018
Radio map interpolation using graph signal processing
AEC Redondi
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (1), 153-156, 2017
BORDER: A benchmarking framework for distributed MQTT brokers
E Longo, AEC Redondi, M Cesana, P Manzoni
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (18), 17728-17740, 2022
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Articles 1–20