Xiaopei Wu
Xiaopei Wu
Ford Motor Company
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Cited by
Edge video analytics for public safety: A review
Q Zhang, H Sun, X Wu, H Zhong
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (8), 1675-1696, 2019
In-situ soil moisture sensing: measurement scheduling and estimation using compressive sensing
X Wu, M Liu
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Information Processing …, 2012
OpenVDAP: An open vehicular data analytics platform for CAVs
Q Zhang, Y Wang, X Zhang, L Liu, X Wu, W Shi, H Zhong
2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2018
CAVBench: A benchmark suite for connected and autonomous vehicles
Y Wang, S Liu, X Wu, W Shi
2018 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), 30-42, 2018
Privacy-preserving high-quality map generation with participatory sensing
X Chen, X Wu, XY Li, Y He, Y Liu
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2310-2318, 2014
In-situ soil moisture sensing: Optimal sensor placement and field estimation
X Wu, M Liu, Y Wu
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (4), 1-30, 2012
Edge computing enabled smart firefighting: opportunities and challenges
X Wu, R Dunne, Q Zhang, W Shi
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and …, 2017
Walking down the stairs: Efficient collision resolution for wireless sensor networks
X Ji, Y He, J Wang, W Dong, X Wu, Y Liu
IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 961-969, 2014
Privacy-aware high-quality map generation with participatory sensing
X Chen, X Wu, XY Li, X Ji, Y He, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (3), 719-732, 2015
STREMS: A Smart Real-time Solution Toward Enhancing EMS Prehospital Quality
X Wu, R Dunne, Z Yu, W Shi
Proceedings of 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health …, 2017
Passfit: Participatory sensing and filtering for identifying truthful urban pollution sources
C Xiang, P Yang, C Tian, Y Yan, X Wu, Y Liu
IEEE sensors journal 13 (10), 3721-3732, 2013
In-situ soil moisture sensing: Measurement scheduling and estimation using sparse sampling
X Wu, Q Wang, M Liu
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 11 (2), 1-29, 2014
Calibration and validation for the L2/3_SM_P Version 4 and L2/3_SM_P_E Version 1 data products
T Jackson, P O’Neill, S Chan, R Bindlish, A Colliander, F Chen, S Dunbar, ...
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA …, 2016
CD-MAC: A contention detectable MAC for low duty-cycled wireless sensor networks
D Liu, X Wu, Z Cao, M Liu, Y Li, M Hou
2015 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2015
Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) project: Calibration and validation for the L2/3_SM_P version 5 and L2/3_SM_P_E version 2 data products
T Jackson, P O'Neill, S Chan, R Bindlish, A Colliander, F Chen, S Dunbar, ...
California Institute of Technology, 2018
Calibration and Validation for the L2/3_ SM_P Version 3 Data Products, SMAP Project, JPL D-93720
T Jackson, P O'Neill, E Njoku, S Chan, R Bindlish, A Colliander, F Chen, ...
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 2016
Calibration and validation for the L2/3_SM_P version 7 and L2/3_SM_P_E version 4 data products
P O’Neill, S Chan, R Bindlish, M Chaubell, A Colliander, F Chen, ...
SMAP Project, JPL D-56297, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2020
Assessment of the SMAP passive soil moisture product, IEEE T. Geosci. Remote, 54, 4994–5007
SK Chan, R Bindlish, PE O’Neill, E Njoku, T Jackson, A Colliander, ...
Calibration and Validation for the L2/3_SM_P Version 7 and L2/3_SM_P_E Version 4 Data Products SMAP Project, JPL D-56297
P O’Neill, S Chan, R Bindlish, M Chaubell, A Colliander, F Chen, ...
Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA, USA, 2020
Soil moisture active passive (SMAP) project: Calibration and validation for the L2/3_SM_P version 7 and L2/3_SM_P_E version 4 data products
P O’Neill, S Chan, R Bindlish, M Chaubell, A Colliander, F Chen, ...
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2020
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