Juergen Symanzik
Juergen Symanzik
Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University
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Effects of urbanization on the aquatic fauna of the Line Creek watershed, Atlanta—a satellite perspective
RR Gillies, JB Box, J Symanzik, EJ Rodemaker
Remote sensing of environment 86 (3), 411-422, 2003
How design features in digital math games support learning and mathematics connections
PS Moyer-Packenham, CW Lommatsch, K Litster, J Ashby, EK Bullock, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 91, 316-332, 2019
Geographic variations in cardiovascular health in the United States: contributions of state‐and individual‐level factors
SY Gebreab, SK Davis, J Symanzik, GA Mensah, GH Gibbons, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 4 (6), e001673, 2015
Young children’s learning performance and efficiency when using virtual manipulative mathematics iPad apps
PS Moyer-PackenhaM, JSSF ShuMway, E Bullock, SI Tucker, ...
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 34 (1), 41-69, 2015
Dynamic graphics in a GIS: More examples using linked software
D Cook, J Symanzik, JJ Majure, N Cressie
Computers & Geosciences 23 (4), 371-385, 1997
Dynamic graphics in a GIS: exploring and analyzing multivariate spatial data using linked software
D Cook, JJ Majure, J Symanzik, N Cressie
Computational Statistics 11 (4), 467-480, 1996
On the use of the advanced very high resolution radiometer for development of prognostic land surface phenology models
N Kathuroju, MA White, J Symanzik, MD Schwartz, JA Powell, RR Nemani
ecological modelling 201 (2), 144-156, 2007
Immersive projection technology for visual data mining
EJ Wegman, J Symanzik
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11 (1), 163-188, 2002
Linking ArcView™ and XGobi: Insight behind the Front End
J Symanzik, D Cook, N Lewin-Koh, JJ Majure, I Megretskaia
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 9 (3), 470-490, 2000
Dynamic graphics in a GIS: A bidirectional link between ArcView 2.0 and XGobi
J Symanzik, JJ Majure, D Cook
Computing Science and Statistics, 299-303, 1996
Teaching an introductory statistics course with CyberStats, an electronic textbook
J Symanzik, N Vukasinovic
Journal of Statistics Education 14 (1), 2006
Three-dimensional statistical graphics based on interactively animated anaglyphs
J Symanzik
ASA Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, 71-76, 1993
Visual clustering and classification: The Oronsay particle size data set revisited
AFX Wilhelm, EJ Wegman, J Symanzik
Computational Statistics 14 (1), 109-146, 1999
Dynamic statistical graphics in the C2 virtual reality environment
J Symanzik, D Cook, BD Kohlmeyer, U Lechner, C Cruz-Neira
Computing Science and Statistics, 41-47, 1997
Kindergarten Children's Interactions with Touchscreen Mathematics Virtual Manipulatives: An Innovative Mixed Methods Analysis.
SI Tucker, CW Lommatsch, PS Moyer-Packenham, KL Anderson-Pence, ...
International Journal of Research in Education and Science 3 (2), 646-665, 2017
Reliability of hand diagrams for the epidemiologic case definition of carpal tunnel syndrome
AM Dale, J Strickland, J Symanzik, A Franzblau, B Evanoff
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 18, 233-248, 2008
Assessing agreement of self-reported and observed physical exposures of the upper extremity
AM Dale, J Strickland, B Gardner, J Symanzik, BA Evanoff
International journal of occupational and environmental health 16 (1), 1-10, 2010
Spatial data analysis in the dynamically linked ArcView/XGobi/XploRe environment
J Symanzik, T Kötter, S Schmelzer, S Klinke
SFB 373 Discussion Papers, 1997
The Effect of Different Viewing Devices for the Sense of Presence of Immersion in Virtual Environments: A Comparison of Stereoprojections Based on Monitors, HMDs and Screens
J Deisinger, C Cruz-Neira, O Riedel, J Symanzik
HCI (2), 881-884, 1997
Exploring environmental data in a highly immersive virtual reality environment
D Cook, C Cruz-Neira, BD Kohlmeyer, U Lechner, N Lewin, L Nelson, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 51, 441-450, 1998
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Articles 1–20